Brackish Tank Question


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2005
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I have just setup a new tank today with the advice from the LFS about Brackish parameters!! They sold me aqualibrium tonic salt and said to use 1 tbs per gallon!

After reading the box it only seems to mention info on treating tanks with this and not making a brackish tank.

Can anyone confirm this is the correct/ not correct stuff to use?

No no no!

Aquarium "tonic" salt is to brackish water aquaria what hamburger is to filet mignon. Yes, they both contain beef, but there the similarities end. Likewise, while tonic salt has sodium chloride, marine salt mix contains far more besides.

The retailer should be selling you marine salt mix. Then you make it up, using one-half or one-fourth or whatever the concentration quoted on the box (i.e., a box of marine mix for 20 gallons of water will do 80 gallons at ~SG 1.005, 1/4th seawater strength).

Any retailer selling you aquarium tonic salt and saying it is adequate for brackish aquaria is either ignorant or a crook. Either way, take any advice they offer with a pinch of salt (if you'll pardon the pun).


I thought as much, which is why i thought i would check with someone first!!!

Thanks for the info.. I will go get some proper salt then!!

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