Brackish Shrimp


Mar 25, 2004
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Rochester, NY - USA
I'm looking for a good brackish shrimp species to inhabit my refugium. It's only co-inhabitant would be malaysian trumpet snails, and maybe some pond snails. The refugium is in a 30G tank, with ~20G of liveable space (the rest occupied by a DIY crushed coral filter and on the other side the return pump section). The SG is ~1.004/5 and the temperature is around 78F. I haven't checked the PH in a while, but I believe it to be around 8.

Ideally I'm looking for something that would reproduce, but I've had such poor success in the past at this point I'd just be happy with something that lived longer than a month. I've tried both ghost/glass shrimp and red cherry shrimp in the past. Both seemed brackish "tolerant," but none of the RCS lived longer than a month and all but one of my ghost shrimp died within a month. I had one lucky ghost shrimp that lived almost two months.

Regarding feeding, there's is plenty of algae and detritus for them to graze on, and I was also supplementing that every other day with some flake and some shrimp pellets. They always had full bellies and were active and eating right up to the day they vanished (I never actually saw a dead shrimp. I'm assuming that the other shrimp ate the dead and that the snails ate the last dead one. There's no way for them to jump out of the tank). The surface of the refugium is covered with pond plant (not sure what else to call it) and there are tons of hiding places. There's a mild but constant current from bottom right to top left, so there are areas in the tank where there is very little current and places with a moderate current. I figure that should make everyone happy.

So, does any of that sound like improper shrimp-care? Am I incorrectly blaming their demise on the salinity? Maybe my PH is too high? Everything I read said RCS should thrive in brackish, so I feel like I must have been doing something wrong. In any case, any advice or recommendations on shrimp that would be a good fit will be very welcome. Thanks!
Car - Do you have a scientific name for the shrimp you're referring to? Do you mean Palaemonetes paludosus?
No idea mate :blush:

being 30g i would assume you want to stick to small shrimp so grass shrimp is out.If you keep your tank light brackish, i would try to drop the salinty a little but to around 1.003 and try ghost and cherry red shrimp again, you might have just had a bad batch but these should work. However, if you can get your hands on some hawaiian volcano shrimp then those guys should be good at 1.005 to 1.015 but might not breed until 1.010(maybe they will though)
Alos orange sunkist shrimp do well in brackish and need brackish to breed.
Amano shrimp Cardinia Japonica would be perfect although to induce breeding you might need to add some almond leaves. I don't remember reading that RCS are particularly saltwater tolerant but they do seem to adapt to most environments for a while at least.
Thanks for the advice guys. I really dig the look of those orange sunkist shrimp (they look like orange ghost shrimp). I'm going to look for an online retailer to see if I can get my hands on some of them. If not, I know my LFS has recently had Amano so I might just go with a few of those to see how they hold up. Thanks again :good:
Amano's are very difficult to kill they can survive temps from 4-35C and a wide range of ph's so you made a good choice.
So far so good. I'm not sure if they miscounted at the store or if I had a casualty or if there's always somebody hiding, but I've only been able to find 8 at any given time (usually closer to 5-6). The ones I do see are doing great, though. Super active, eating like crazy. They poop more than any aquatic guest I've ever had. And I've already had two moltings. Again, great suggestion. Thanks!
Yeah they poop a lot you could get some MTS they are detritivores (poop eaters) and help to stop anaerobic spots in the sand. I am not 100% sure on their brackish compatibility though.
Yeah they poop a lot you could get some MTS they are detritivores (poop eaters) and help to stop anaerobic spots in the sand. I am not 100% sure on their brackish compatibility though.

Yeah, the tank's already got several hundred MTS in it. The shrimp sit on vertical sedimentary rock eating, and the MTS congregate below them eating their poo/crumbs. It's fascinating and disgusting all at the same time. So for the record, yeah, MTS live just fine in low end brackish (mine started out as just a couple carried in on some plants over a year ago). I actually started with lots of pond snails and the MTS have overrun them.

Thanks again!

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