Brackish paludarium


Jul 5, 2004
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Manchester, England
With my never ending fascination with brackish fish (especially the awesome Toxotes jaculatrix) I thought it would be nice to set up a brackish Paludarium. My only concern is how to go about constructing such a home. I could either buy a very deep tank and find some way of creating a land area or perhaps build ontop of a standard tank some how. I really want this to be someting special and I'd also like some land aswell as water (not just branches stuck to the aquarium side!)

Any help will be greatly apreciated


Hi James, I did a search a few months back about planted tanks and found a great site about an international competition of all sorts of planted tanks. Some of the finest that I saw were just what you have described. I suggest that you search for such sites and pick out the ideas that you like best then try to contact the designer/owners and I bet you they would share their schemes... What gardner - fish keeper can resist sharing their love for the hoby! Best of luck to you! I for one would love to hear and see how you get on with this project.


I will tell you that several of the nifty setups used a pressed type of cork wood for their structures and backgrounds...
Firstly I think that mudskippers live on mudflats generally so get some silt and build up a ramp with silt on it I suggest makeing it out of gravle. then set up your filter and heater and somehow pump water to the top of the mudflat then toss in some crixkets and put some glass over the top and a good light (one that produces some heat preferably) and your all set. Goodluck.

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