Bozo, the snail killer???

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Has anyone ever trained their larger clown loach, to eat pest snails… they are supposed to be great at eating them, and generally peaceful to other fish… wondering if one couldn’t be acclimated to move around a few tanks, eating snails, and once the snail numbers are down, move him to another tank… I have a couple tanks that are hard to work on, that have pest snail issues, might be easier to rotate a fish around??
I would not move a fish from tank to tank on a regular basis for any reason. Doing so will cause stress with each move which lowers the resistance to disease and parasites, such as Ich, and will likely shorten the life span.
Clown loaches are delicate when moved, hardy when stable. You might want to move snails TO them. They would probably enjoy that.
Clown loaches are delicate when moved, hardy when stable. You might want to move snails TO them. They would probably enjoy that.
Yep! I would move the snails around. I know us humans might like to eat out, but I think your clown loach (if he could vote) would prefer to order in his food, rather than travel. Unless you train him that he enjoys being moved around tanks so much, that every time you get the net out, he comes to the front of the tank, and just sits there waiting for you, like a dog wanting to go walkies. Let us know!!!

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