Boycott Petco


Fish Crazy
Jul 7, 2003
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Oklahoma (although I wish I wasn't)
Petco has been trying to cover up their mistreatment of animals, but many employees and customers have spoken out against them.
Many animals, especially birds who are very emotionally sensitive, are taken from their mothers at breeding mills and sold, unweaned, to Petco.
Petco doesn't provide the least necessities for their animals like food, water, and shelter. Many animals go without food or water for days. Baby birds die of starvation and lizards have inaddequate housing and die. Ferrets arrive dehydrated and with diarrehea. Mice and rodents have upper respiratory infections, bleeding noses and are so overstocked they trample each other to death and become cannibalistic. Birds come in with growths on their legs and deformed beaks. Anti-cruelty laws are broken often.
Employees only train for 16 hours, or two days, and have no experience on how to take care of animals. Past employees say that the "no tolerence" rule is red tape and has no bearing on welfare of the animals. Sick animals are repeatedly denied vet care.
San Francisco has filed a lawsuit against a Petco that left a dead turtle rotting and a toad that was cooked to death. There are many more complaints throughout the year.
If you need anymore information or pictures to convice you, go to


thanks to petcocruelty for all of the information.
I realize that some people here might be employees at a Petco and possibly are at a well-cared for facility. But this is still going on all over the U.S.
Thats terrible i have a cocktiel who has lived 14 years but i dont know where they got the cocktiel, the cockteil is a year older than me. I never really thought about petco being so bad what about petsmart?
baseballfan111 said:
I never really thought about petco being so bad what about petsmart?
Well we have petsmart here in the UK and I'd never buy anything from them, everytime I go in their half their fish stock is dead. :(
That's sick and really pisses me off! I wish laws were tougher for animal cruelty against corporations.

Police should be able to walk into the stores and arrest whoever's in charge and haul them off to jail for 3-5 years for crap like this.

Thanks for the link.

BTW, does anyone know what the laws are for this and why it's so hard to do anything about this kind of cruelty?
We have the ASPCA... I don't know that their taken too seriously though. Unfortunately they've shot themselves in the foot by being a little too militant in the past. Ya' gotta' give people time to catch up with you instead of expecting them to be with you overnight.
:no: :sad:

that's terrible

thanks for the link to the site :thumbs: , I especially like the "whistleblower" link :lol: , I think I'll use it! Maybe I'll pop into the local Petcos tomorrow just for a looksy :p

I heard a rumor at the Petco down the street from me (from said persons co-worker)..... a fish dept sales person stepped on a pleco in front of a customer after the customer had brought it to his attention that it was sick :-( , needless to say the person was appalled and left , I bet they wish they had this link :sad:
It seems to me that Petco wanted to pick up on the popularity of Petsmart, but in doing so forgot to set up an adequate training program or healthy enviroment. They need to stop selling animals and just sell animal supplies.

i havnt had a chance to check out that site...but the petco by me is well run and the employees there are well knowledged...its a shame that a few stores are run like crap and many fish and other animals have to suffer for it...I have stoped going to buy fish from petco for a while i just go to chit-chat w/ my buddy there...but i have seen that 90% of all the other lfs' have dead fish and dirty tanks in there stock so I dunno about supporting neone....

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