Boy Or Girl?

He's still soooo small! :) Getting braver all the time, too - he swims over to me, I poke the tank with my finger and he looks at it, the swims away to the back and peeps out from behind the leaves!
I hope he uses his little shell arch i gave him :p he likes the silk plants, and i have caught him lounging on the rock already! And the bulb thing I bought off Daz, apparently shoots come off it eventually and go to the surface, he should enjoy swimming through them!

is that a real sea shell? if so you might want to keep an eye on the calisum levels, i heard that they can affect water mineral stuff levels, yea i am such an idiot.... <mineral stuff levels> i know what i mean except i dont know if i am saying it right......
Yeah I know they can affect the levels, but I used these shells in this tank a while back and found no effect - I expect I would need lots of them to make any real difference! but if anyone can tell me otherwise, let me know - I only want the best for my fish! Thanks for the heads up :)
oh, I forgot - ignore the red gravel! This tank is my first tank and I thought red was a good Not so happy with it now! Gonna buy some new gravel at the end of the month when I get paid, I am broke already this month!
They are gorgeous and it looks like Loki's fins have grown a bit. :drool: Im getting one of his brothers tomorrow to spawn Oberon with- cant wait! :hyper:
Nothing wrong with red of ours had red gravel :p've just reminded me and now I'm worried about him again :( :(

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