Boy Or Girl?


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
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Manchester, England
Well, after Netty's 3 baby boys turned out to be girls, I have been wondering about my Loki! So tonight, he has gone for a short holiday to a large breeding trap in Neptune's tank, to see if he eggs up!
Neptune is none too pleased to be sharing, but I couldn't use Baby as he has 2 ADF's living with him, and i don't want the net to get in the way of their trips to the surface.
Loki seems quite unperturbed by things, though he got stress stripes as soon as I fished him out of his tank :( But these have gone already. Neptune however is kinda going for the net! It is like he is sucking it when he hits it, he makes a funny noise whilst doing it! I am hoping this is a sign of aggression towards another male.... I will die if he eggs up! I don't want a female, but I love Loki to death.
Oh yeah, Loki's temporary tank doesn't have an overhead light, just a crap little stick on LED. But in Neptune's tank, with an overhead, he looks absolutely wonderful! Colours are amazing :)
Lol well Oberon turned into a girl when I put her in with a female to breed. First she started doing a very manly dance and then blew a bubble nest but then I realised she didnt have a full flare and then she started dropping eggs! Ive put her in with my other girls now but with her long fins she still looks like a boy. I think she is very confused over whether she is a boy or girl too lol!
Have got my Dude who was a boy but now a girl in the spawning tank and this is what she made not to always go by bubblenests I think :crazy:

Well, it's looking good. Loki has been in a breeding net in Neptune's tank for 3 days now, have been feeding bloodworm, have also done a water change, and no eggs! Woo! Neptune and Loki have shown absolutely no interest in each other apart from the first 5 minutes they were together. So as soon as i get my divider, Loki is going into a third of my 2ft tank!
Well, it's looking good. Loki has been in a breeding net in Neptune's tank for 3 days now, have been feeding bloodworm, have also done a water change, and no eggs! Woo! Neptune and Loki have shown absolutely no interest in each other apart from the first 5 minutes they were together. So as soon as i get my divider, Loki is going into a third of my 2ft tank!
Thats great and Im sure Netty will be pleased lol! :lol: :lol:
Well, my divider arrived yesterday, so I sectioned off a third of my 2ft tank for Loki. He is most impressed, swimming round like a nutter! Think he was just glad to escape the breeding net - 5 days was a long time, but I didn't want the stress for him of being moved out of Neptunes tank back to his tiny tank, then moved again to his new home, so he stayed put! Pictures later - I didn't want to stress him too much last night so I left him be :p
I bet he's being a right little poser.....just make sure you hurry with those pics later :good:
OK here goes!

Loki's part of the 2ft tank:

Loki - a little stressed as I just turned on the lights and started snapping! poor thing! :




And so they don't feel left out, i took some snaps of the other two.

My darling Neptune:

And the gorgeous Baby:
Awwwww.....I love it, and just look at his grumpy little face...bless him :wub:

Great pics Tibby :wub:
That is why I love Bettas so much - their facial expressions are sooo funny! They are like the bulldogs of the fish world :p
You should of called him Churchill :lol: I love their grumpy faces.....makes me laugh every time :lol:

His section of tank looks great Tibby.....I spotted him up in the corner :wub:
He's still soooo small! :) Getting braver all the time, too - he swims over to me, I poke the tank with my finger and he looks at it, the swims away to the back and peeps out from behind the leaves!
I hope he uses his little shell arch i gave him :p he likes the silk plants, and i have caught him lounging on the rock already! And the bulb thing I bought off Daz, apparently shoots come off it eventually and go to the surface, he should enjoy swimming through them!
Awwww.....well his tail certainly looks bigger to me and he'll be in his element in his new home :good:

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