Boy Or Girl

At least you know for sure now :lol: Are you going to keep him?
Yeah i think so....he's such a nice colour. Trouble is, i'm running out of room. I have 2 spare tanks at the moment but every time i see a new male that i like, it costs me about £40 for a new heater, filter, partitions etc etc :crazy:
Well....not only has that last fish (blue cambodian ?) blown me a lovely bubble nest but i can also see signs of an ovipositor :crazy:
alot of young males, particularly pks for some reason, show a white spot on the belly, like a "false ovipositor", just an extention of the anus realy. ive noticed alot of young pks that are found in tanks of females that mabey have a few males in there show a false ovipositer, it could be a dominance thing. a low ranking male will show slight stress bars and an ovipositer to "disguise" himself as a female to a dominant male. just a theory.

he will loose it as he gets older

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