Thanks for all your replies peoples : )
I suppose if it were me and I was seeing the world as a sort of distorted view constantly then I can imagine that I'd start to feel quite sick. Maybe it would make me ill. But my eyes aren't designed to see things like that. But the first thing that's occured to me is that Fish are a lot smaller than us (our pet ones anyway!) and whereas we see the whole curve at once they'll only see a tiny part of it and maybe as a result they might not be able to see a curve at all?
The second thing that came to me was that, although some species come from very calm, still water, a good few come from water that will be constantly moving, some wuite rapidly. Bubbles, ripples and waves will all mean that the water will never be still. And we all know how much water its-self can distort things. So maybe, even if the Fish can see some sort of distortion, then they don't care 'cause in the wild they'd be used to seeing things that way anyway? And so maybe they're more capable of learning what things are while distorted then we would ever be?
I suppose I might have been seeing things from my own point of view and not trying to 'think Fish'. Maybe others were thinking the same way originaly. But I'm glad to know that no Fish seem to mind the bow-fronts. They're really very nice tanks, it would be a shame if the Fish didn't agree : )