Fish Fanatic
Hi, I bought a Synodontis (think its Eupterus?) and at the fish shop it was very active with it's tank mates but now that I have had it about a week it just kind of hangs out in the small cave(which he is too big for!) and hangs upside down by my heater. He's about 5-6 inches in size. Its not active at all nor is it swimming around. It looks healthy but just isn't active like it was at the store. Am I doing something wrong? Its in a 40 gal with assorted community fish, plecos, corys, angels, mollys, etc. My tank is moderately planted and I did notice he gets caught up in some of the plants... Is this normal behavior?
temp 78-80
25% water changes weekly
water parameters normal (don't have a kit but the store does my water tests (liquid test))
temp 78-80
25% water changes weekly
water parameters normal (don't have a kit but the store does my water tests (liquid test))