Bought Synodontis Eupterus - Behavior?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Hi, I bought a Synodontis (think its Eupterus?) and at the fish shop it was very active with it's tank mates but now that I have had it about a week it just kind of hangs out in the small cave(which he is too big for!) and hangs upside down by my heater. He's about 5-6 inches in size. Its not active at all nor is it swimming around. It looks healthy but just isn't active like it was at the store. Am I doing something wrong? Its in a 40 gal with assorted community fish, plecos, corys, angels, mollys, etc. My tank is moderately planted and I did notice he gets caught up in some of the plants... Is this normal behavior?

temp 78-80
25% water changes weekly
water parameters normal (don't have a kit but the store does my water tests (liquid test))
Synodontis eupterus is a "gentle giant", and usually problems come down to bullying. It is easily nipped by things like barbs and tetras, so you need to be careful what you keep with it. Otherwise it's much like any other syno -- nocturnal, essentially hardy, and needs a mixed diet containing both plant and animal foods (algae wafers are an ideal staple). It is a gregarious species if given sufficient space and kept in reasonable numbers, but often kept as a singleton. As with other synos, it becomes nervous if kept in a tank that is too small or lacks hiding places. Certainly not a catfish for a tank under 180 litres/40 gallons.

Cheers, Neale
try adding more decor or cover to your tank to make him confortable. mine lays upside down under a large root but thats just his hideout, same as yours. thats where he rests all day. i noticed once mine got big (they grow insanely fast) he comes out when i drop the shrimp pellets. very cool fish. his dorsel is nearly 2 inches long! amazing catfish
try adding more decor or cover to your tank to make him confortable. mine lays upside down under a large root but thats just his hideout, same as yours. thats where he rests all day. i noticed once mine got big (they grow insanely fast) he comes out when i drop the shrimp pellets. very cool fish. his dorsel is nearly 2 inches long! amazing catfish

I agree, as they get bigger they start to come out a lot. when my guy got to 6 inches or so he was out all the time. now if my fiance comes to the tank to look in he comes rushing out to greet her and will stay out with lights on if she is on the couch (he does none of that for me by the way). just give him time, it may take a while, but more hiding places the better as well. also, if he is next to the heater watch him for heater burns on his body.

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