Bought Some Norman's Lamp Eye Killi's


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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They are adorable. VERY busy but very very shy, when I approach they scarper. But they wiggle about and are very curious and playful when left alone. Any tips for me with these guys? I've read up a bit, but getting mixed info. One thing I read said they were annuals and other thing I read said they were not.
Hi Mel,
How's it goin.
See your trying to dip you toes in the Killifish pool.
Aplocheilichthys normani
Norman's lampeye
Nice little fish you've got there, Really needs a good large shoal of 10-20 individuals to see them at their best. Give them good water flow to swim against.
They will accept all dried foods but try them with a little frozen and newly hatched Brineshrimp.
They are deffo not an annual species.
Hey Big C! Hope you're well
I have 11 :) they are in fast flow and they love it that's what I meant, I suppose, by 'playing'
Very happy with them, have wanted some for years so set up a tank almost especially for them [and shrimp, ADF's and pygmy cories!]
Are they hardy?
Are they hardy
Pretty much so, with good husbandry, plenty of small waterchanges and a varied diet.
Are they hardy
Pretty much so, with good husbandry, plenty of small waterchanges and a varied diet.

Sounds good then, I love trying something new. I also read they quite readily breed... we'll see though, nothing ever breeds for me
If you ever have any sick steer well clear of Pimafix. Not sure whether Melafix has the same affect on the Normani but be warned!
I treated a 2 ft tank with Pimafix at less than the stated dose. They ALL DIED within less than 1 MINUTE of mixing it in the tank!!
I was gutted!

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