bought new tank how to cycle


Fish Crazy
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Kitchener, Ontario (Canada)
i bought a new 1 gal fish tank today because my black mollie is pregnant again and i want to keep the fry!!! What is cycling i hear everyone talking about it on this site but i don't know what it means i never did anything to my tank when i got it and put the fishes in a hour later. how do you go about doing cycling the tank and what is the benafits to it, i have an idea what cycling is but can someone explain it to me thanks
(it looks like my female is going to pop and mintue now) i set the tank up about a hour ago and put in (Cycle) fish loss and aqua safe NH/CL formula in the tank when can i put mollie in tank thanks cassandra :wub:
If you follow the link in my sig it should answer all your questions. If it doesn't please post anything else you need to know after reading the article. Good luck!

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