Bought my first betta today :D now with piccies

Kiarra said:
How strong is your current?
quite strong at the top, and he was sitting right by the outlet, the tanks running off a fluval 204 if that helps?

I have alot to learn dont i :lol:
You could try giving him some shelled peas.
As long as there's somewhere he can go to get away from the current entirely, then he should do okay. Keep an eye on him, though. Some Bettas don't mind currents all that much. And some can't handle them at all. His preference will be made known within the next day or so.

Don't be too surprised if he doesn't eat the first day...or two...or three. But keep offering him food at regular intervals.
Heres a few more pics, sorry if they are abit too big. Everytime i take a piccy he looks a different colour :lol:


Have you fed him yet (since you got him?) If not, than don't. Give him the rest of the night to settle in. See how he is tomorrow. He may have over eaten if he is still tipping on his side.
ManyFISH4Me said:
Have you fed him yet (since you got him?) If not, than don't. Give him the rest of the night to settle in. See how he is tomorrow. He may have over eaten if he is still tipping on his side.
I gave him a little bit but most of the other fish ate it :/

he's gradully getting better, im sure he'll be fine by morning, if not ill be on here :lol:

Also quick question while im here, im off 2 greece for 2 weeks later this year. Im thinking of leaving the 2 week feeder things but im not comfortable with just leaving 2 blocks of food for them, is there anything else i can buy instead of the weekly block feeder things?

Just hope i havent accrued another tank by then .... so tempting!!!!
If at all possible, I would really suggest having someone come over and feed your fish while you're gone. They wouldn't have to come over every day, but at least a couple times a week would be really good.
get some little canisters like the ones films come in and fill them with the amount of food you would feed at one go in the day not every time just one feed and label up for one day and do this for say 5 days worth and have someone feed them for you, over the ten days so they have been fed and have missed a day in between but they wont be over fed and they wont contaminate the tank just leave instructions that thats all they need and no more....... :D :) :rofl: :rofl:

edit nice vt

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