Bought my first betta today :D now with piccies


Fish Crazy
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Newport, South Wales
Bought him from my LFS, there were lots of red/bluish ones, but i went for a light blue/greeny coloured one

I've never kept one before as im fairly new to the fish keeping fun, tank currently had 5 tetras, 3 mollies and 4 platies. Ive read one some websites that they are ok to be kept together, and on some it says they cannt be kept together :blink: so i will see how it goes and if any of them becoming picked on then ill have to sort somthing out

Its such a shame that you cant put more than one male in a tank, they are so pretty :(

He's very sub-dued, keeps going to the surface of the water, is this normal? What is normal betta behaviour?

After seeing how pretty they all are im considering breeding them (in the very long term once ive got to grips with looking after them properly and learning more about them in general :hyper: )

Help :p
They go to the surface of the water to get air. Yes, they breath air every few minutes or so. You will also notice he chews his food while eating.
Cant wait to see some pictures of him :nod: he sounds beautiful.
Oh, and as for keeping them with other fishes, people have different views on it and it basically depends on the temperament of the betta. Some are just really aggressive and others arent as much. Personally, I wouldn't keep bettas with other fish.
Going to the surface of the water is VERY normal. Bettas breathe air like we do, so he takes his oxygen from the surface, not JUST through his gills.

Bettas are usually fine with Mollies and Platies. I have one living with some Mollies right now, and he seems happy enough. I've heard some stories of Tetras getting very nippy with Bettas, so be aware of that and watch out for that. At the first sign of nipping, please remove him for his own good. Other than that, it's possible he'd be very happy there.
tee hee

His top fins kinda flop over, and they dont stand up like the other pictures ive seen on here, is there somthing wrong or is it just the way he is?

Trying to get a pic atm, he comes out, has a swim, then hides for a bit :lol: he knows im trying to take a pic, i have to follow him as well because i dont want to use the flash just in case it hurts him!

Just gotta think of a name :blink:
Hold a small mirror up to the side of the tank in front of his nose...that should make that top fin stand up. ;)

very bad piccy i know, trying to get betta ones :lol:
Bit better -


Im abit worried, he's just hanging round the top corner of the tank and not moving. He's been in there for about 4/5 hours :sad:
Bettas are smart, sensitive fish, that take a little while to adapt to their environment. It's probable he's just a little bit overwhelmed with everything right now.
They need some time to adjust. At least he's on top. Mine was just laying on the bottom corner of the tank till the next day. :rolleyes:


Want another one now :lol:

Seriously thinking about buying another tank, i want to get to grips with the one we have at the moment

My boyfriends been watching him and says he seems off balance and keeps flopping over to the side when he swims :/
He's lovely how big do betta's get.
Allix said:
My boyfriends been watching him and says he seems off balance and keeps flopping over to the side when he swims :/
The betta in the picture you mean? There could be something wrong with him. Maybe something with the swim bladder. Where did you get him from? If I may ask that is.
mm_simb said:
Allix said:
My boyfriends been watching him and says he seems off balance and keeps flopping over to the side when he swims :/
The betta in the picture you mean? There could be something wrong with him. Maybe something with the swim bladder. Where did you get him from? If I may ask that is.
Aye the one in the pic, we got him from our LFS maidenhead aquatics

He swimming round abit more, perhaps i should leave him over night and if he's still swimming off balance go back there tomorrow?

I might just be worrying, i've become quite attached to him already!!! :wub:
Do you have a filter in the tank? If so, how is the current? It could just be strong for him. I would just leave him be for now. He's probably just acclimating (sp?) himself to his new environment.

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