Bought a really wierd fish today.....

ddm18 said:
Are you sure The-Wolf? The way I read it was that the fish was happy in all three environments, and could be found at any depth from 1 to 140 metres, not that it needed to be able to swim up and down 140 metres. That page is surely only telling us where the fish can be found, it's not really got any advice on keeping it...

Obviously though, you're exactly right that Barday needs to do as much research as possible!

Oh, sorry Barday, almost forgot to say that it looks really cool, and I hope it turns out that you can keep it!
Thanks dmm18 :D To tell you the truth that's how i read it too!

Wolf - Thanks for the advice too, I'm doing the research as we speak but as DMM said i need to find some information about keeping the fish rather than info on it in it's natural environment. It doesn't seem like the most popular fish for fish keepers, but I won't give up! B)
This might be a silly suggestion, but what about the LFS you got it from? You never know, they might turn out to be experts in the Cynoglossus puncticeps!
Nope! :( It looks like I know more than them! :p When I called, they told me it was called an asian sole, I asked them for the standard info (which i origionally forgot to ask because i was so excited!!) eg, ph levels, temp, max size, latin name and they knew the answers to none of these questions :crazy: . That's pretty wierd, because they are usually good with stuff like that.
Your fish is actually much more likely to be a Brachirus salinarum or as they are common known a Salt pan Sole which is the most commonly seen of the flat fishes in the aquarium trade.


These like many esturine fish will live for a while in freshwater but for their long term health must have salt added to the water to a SG of at least 1.005.
As far as i am aware the only flat fish that can be kept in FW permamently are fish of the Achirus genus which species of are found in the Amazon and its tributaries.
Hmmmm, I'm not sure, I'll do a bit more research, but i was pretty convinced it was a Cynoglossus puncticeps or toung fish. I took some pics last night but they did not turn out too well, I will take some more toniight, that might help.
Its very difficult to say, from external characteristics most of the soles look identical. I would be 80% sure that it is a Brachirus salinarum as it looks identical to mine from the picture.
You have one too! Nice to know i'm noth the only one here! :p

So do you keep yours in a f/w, brackish or marine tank?
Mine are in a 20g brackish tank being grown out so they can eventually go into my 80g brackish.
As far as im aware they do only grow up to between 6 and 8 inches (15 and 20cm) though as yet i have never seen or heard of one over 3" in captivity.

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