Bottom Dwellers


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Wigan, Lancs. England
Hello all a belated Happy New Year to you all.

What can i get to go with guppies and platties.

I want something that lives at the bottom of the tank.

depending on the size of the tank... Clow loaches are very nice but you need minimum 20gallon tank, if you smaller than a 20gallon I'd say go for corry cats :D
Please no clown loaches. They grow to be at least 1 foot long. (I have seen them upwards of 2ft long)

I also recommend the pygmy cory catfishes. They are super cute and will spend their time on the bottom of the tank. They also don't get very big.

A clown loach that is 7" long is atleast 3-4 years old, for it to get to 1ft (90% of the time only in the wild) it would take atleast 8 years in captivity... And note how I said earlier NOT UNLESS IT'S 20GALLONS OR MORE!
Thanks for your replies

Pygmy corys it is then.

How may will i be able to get for the tank size ?

Its the tank listed in my sig

Thanks again Will
No bristle noses! They grow too large for a 6 gallon tank!!! hmm for the pygmy cory cats you schould get 3, the will breathe air when not enough oxygen is present in the water, or the water is to warm. So you should be fine with 3, also they are pretty easy to care for :D make sure to get some sinking pellets as mollies and guppies (in my experience) don't leave enough food for bottom dwelers.
(I have seen them upwards of 2ft long)

Hmmm - not so sure about that one. Documented max sizes are around the 16" mark I think. And then as others have said, in the wild mostly or in huge tanks. If you can keep them healthy for that long, of course.


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