Bottom Dwellers, Will This Work ?


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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quick question i have a 64L tank 2ft in length, for a while i've wanted to keep apisto agassizii, as like a kind of dither fish i wanted to also keep a large ish group of pygmy corys, now i know that corys are bottom dwellers and i know that apisto's will spend a lot of time in the bottom portion of the tank, especially if breeding? should i keep a M/F pair or just keep 1 male? or is it possible to keep 2 males ?
i personally would not have pygmy corys with apistos,especially if you intend to breed the apistos

i would only keep 1 male apisto in that size of tank,then you could keep some pygmy corys.what else do you have in the tank?
thanks for the reply, i wanted some colour in my tank so was looking at different kind of apisto's but i dont know what fish are safe to keep with them
I had 2 apistos briefly, in a community tank with several other species (german blue ram, tetras, bronze cories, etc). It did not end well, there were territorial arguments and the apistos never settled in, ended up wasting away from lack of eating and they died.


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