Bottled Water?


New Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Im planning on getting a Nano cube 24 G in the coming weeks and wondering what water to get, my lfs will do me 4 gallons of RO water for £3.50 but my local supermarket sells bottled water that contains 0 nitrates, but has other elements such as calcium in it, it would be cheaper for me to get the bottled water but do you think that it will be ok for a small reef tank?
bottled water contains unwanted chemicals that are harmful to inverts/fish, get it from the lfs
bottled water contains unwanted chemicals that are harmful to inverts/fish, get it from the lfs

What type of bottled water are you talking about? There is spring, artesian, and pure and there should be some more.
Some bottled water is ok. Before I got my RO unit I used to purchase bottled distilled water by the gallon. All depends on your bottle of choise.
I would personally go against that because "sping" water is tap water. No lie.

If you are looking into this for a long term ordeal, I would suggest purchasing your own RO unit.
i get mine from one of those refillable water stations around here its the watermill express brand dispensers. they take out nitrates and phosphates etc...and is though a reverse osmosis process. my test kits say its o.k :good: ive been using it for 3 years now. and @ $1.50 for 5 gallons isnot bad. of course if i was smart i could have bought an r.o. unit by now :grr:

5 gallon a week @ $1.50 for 3 years = $230 :no:
Just wanted to add that it is possible to get bottled water w/o chemical junk in it. But, it still requires more caution than getting it at a LFS, even if the bottle says RO on it. I've found occasional bottles of distilled and RO that had kH readings that were enough to throw off my pH after repeated topoffs. I've never run accross distilled or RO bottled water with nitrate problems, just kH readings and high pH values (one bottle had a pH of 9.0 coinciding with a low kH reading). So, be cautious and also only buy the bottled water if it specifically states that it's distilled or RO somewhere on the bottle. If it doesn't say one of those, it could have chemical junk since there's nothing explicitly stating how it was filtered or if anything was added to it.
some may say "purified with reverse osmosis, added minerals for taste"

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