Botia Robusta? Questions.


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Craigslist is a wonderful thing. This evening, I am going to pay $50 for a full 30 gallon tank set up (lacking only the heater), with 5 loaches. The seller thinks they're botia robusta.

So here's the thing:
What determining characteristics should I look for to see if they are robusta or kubotai or something else?

If they do turn out to be robusta, will 30 gallons be enough to hold them? If they top out at 7", I would guess not. If there's room for anything else, or if I am going to need to split them out into two tanks and get them some dither fish, please recommend something. (If these do turn out to be one of the smaller species, I'm thinking pearl danios for dithers.)

I'd like to try and keep them as happy as I can in the circumstances, though, and, if a bigger tank is called for, I'll shoot for getting one in the next year or two.

What else can I do to keep them happy? What kind of plants? (Thinking an elevated java moss lawn with lots of caves beneath.) I've heard that they like a lower temperature than normal. Is that everyone's experience? How about snails? I have a couple of tanks that breed snails like they're going out of style.
Post the picture for the ID.

Most likely it is not S.Robusta but something more common, like perhaps B.Rostrata.

If it is indeed Sinibotia Robusta, the good news is that it does not grow too large (3.5"). The bad news is that it is not a nice fish. They are also sub-tropical, so keep the temperatures lower, around 72F-75F.

Danios probably is the best choice, they may be fast enough to get away, and most Danios would not mind colder water....

Yeah, well, I get there and a 30 gallon tank has become a 20, and the five Botia Robusta have become:
1 Botia almorhae, 1 Botia kubotai , 2 juvenile loaches that look like striatas at the moment, but could be darios or almorhae, 2 big, disgusting (to me - your mileage may vary - free to good home) Weather Loaches, and what looks like it might be an Acanthocobitis botia. :no: Loves me some Craigslist. :no:

As I said, the weather loaches are gone - either back to a pet store or to anyone who cares to come and pick them up in the Northern Virginia area. THe rest of them, though... I am going to have to do some reading and observation. The Kubotai is gorgeous.

I think I'm just going to plant the tank and let it ride once the Dojos are gone.

Pictures coming when I have some time to take them.
Sounds like you bought a new tank and now need a new (bigger) tank for the fish that came with it. :X

What are the dimensions? Are you sure its only 20 gallons?

If you post pictures of the little ones you could probably get some help IDing them.
20g or 30g is not sufficient anyway...and if they are mixed species, more loaches will be needed. Looks like the original owner of the tank was not thinking ....

Hey, Tammy, like your new sig :good: :
Various species of loaches, barbs, gouramis, plecos, tetras, and bettas reside in my home in 6 tanks, most of them planted, ranging from 2-55 gallons, with a total of just over 100 gallons (US)

I think I'm stealing your idea, changing the species and #'s a bit.
20g or 30g is not sufficient anyway...and if they are mixed species, more loaches will be needed. Looks like the original owner of the tank was not thinking ....

Well, the original owner lit out for California and left it with the guy I bought it from. He had the loaches in a tank with Neons, Black Neons, a regular pleco (about 6") and a big 'ol Black Moor. Not wise.

In any case, I do agree that it is not enough tank for the fish. As it stands, everyone is small enough that, if I get rid of the Weather Loaches and maybe the sand loach, I have a couple 3 to 6 months to upgrade. I really don't have room for anything much bigger than 40 gallons. I mean, I have 48 inches, bu I don't want to put any more weight than that on the stand, so either a 40 long set up as a river tank, or a 40 breeder, well planted.

More later. Back to the grindstone.
20g or 30g is not sufficient anyway...and if they are mixed species, more loaches will be needed. Looks like the original owner of the tank was not thinking ....

Hey, Tammy, like your new sig :good: :
Various species of loaches, barbs, gouramis, plecos, tetras, and bettas reside in my home in 6 tanks, most of them planted, ranging from 2-55 gallons, with a total of just over 100 gallons (US)

I think I'm stealing your idea, changing the species and #'s a bit.

Thanks! Glad you like it. I actually did it that way because I liked yours with the list of species but I changed it and condensed it into that. When I first typed it out it was extremely wordy! Talk about a bare bones description that I ended up with. But you're right-- you are going to have to do something about your sig now that you have acquired so many new species!

Tophat--I am going to PM you and see how far you are away from me in case I'm interested in taking that sand loach off your hands for you, depending on the exact species it ends up being.
So, here's the plan...

Weather loaches get given to someone who can take care of them.

That Sand Loach is either a Nemacheilus pallidus or a Schistura savona. I think I'd like to keep it.

That said, the minimum number of each type to keep is 3, and I have 4 types. They all get about 4 inches long, so rule of thumb says I need - urp 48 gallons. Not good. Wouldn't it be nice if they made a take 36x24x16? A 60 Gallon Breeder? Great for bottom fish that need lots of bed but not so much column. Hrm

Obviously, an additional species needs to go. :-( I'm going to think on it a bit, but I suspect that finding another two of the Sand Loaches of that species is probably slim or at least pricier than I want it to be.

In any case, I think I want to go with a 40 Breeder. 3 Yoyos, 4 Angelicus, and 5 Striatas. That gives me space and water column for some dither fish. Either a school of 6 fish around 2 inches or a pair of fish around 4 to 5 inches. (Cherry barbs are out, maybe Ruby Barbs would work). I'll also be planting the bejeezus out of the tank. I'm thinking Wisteria with a Java Moss lawn. Now I need a larger leafed plant for resting purposes. Maybe Nymphea stellata, well pruned. I'll leave a big sandy beach in the middle for digging purposes, and throw in some MTS to keep it all stirred, and plant flowerpots under the gravel around the beach for hiding places.

Have I thought that through properly?
Sounds great to me. Its very much like my 55 gallon which I enjoy very much! If you haven't already scooted over to the planted section, you should do so before purchasing lighting etc. They'll try to talk you into putting CO2 on it but I've done alright without. It doesn't have the same effect, though, so they're really right. :rolleyes:
Sounds great to me. Its very much like my 55 gallon which I enjoy very much! If you haven't already scooted over to the planted section, you should do so before purchasing lighting etc. They'll try to talk you into putting CO2 on it but I've done alright without. It doesn't have the same effect, though, so they're really right. :rolleyes:

Not to get too far into plants, but I have done DIY CO2, and, if I get another planted tank going (that will make 4) I may start brewing yeast medium in a batch twice a month. I also brew my own beer, so I may start up a fiskebrau - CO2 from the primary fermentation, good beer from the secondary.
OK, got some pictures today (unfortunately not of the sand loach), so, would you say that this is a Striata or a Rostrata?


You can see my Angelicus hiding back in the rock pile there.

And here is my lonely Yoyo.

The Dojos have definitely grown on me. I think I'll keep 'em. My runt kitty loves to attack the corner of the tank when they are racing up and down.

Shooting to have them into a 40 breeder or 44 corner by February.
Concur on B.Striata, but I'm not sure it is even a yoyo....

As for the dojo's: generally, longer tank is better; 40 is a much better idea than 44.
Why is that yoyo loach so faded? It looks very stressed.

Two reasons:
1) Flash photography.
2) Only yoyo in the tank.

I worked out that a 40 breeder has 4.5 sq. ft of floorspace, more even than a 55 gallon (4.0). I'll have these guys installed in one by February. (Best I can do in the budget.)

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