Fish Fanatic
Craigslist is a wonderful thing. This evening, I am going to pay $50 for a full 30 gallon tank set up (lacking only the heater), with 5 loaches. The seller thinks they're botia robusta.
So here's the thing:
What determining characteristics should I look for to see if they are robusta or kubotai or something else?
If they do turn out to be robusta, will 30 gallons be enough to hold them? If they top out at 7", I would guess not. If there's room for anything else, or if I am going to need to split them out into two tanks and get them some dither fish, please recommend something. (If these do turn out to be one of the smaller species, I'm thinking pearl danios for dithers.)
I'd like to try and keep them as happy as I can in the circumstances, though, and, if a bigger tank is called for, I'll shoot for getting one in the next year or two.
What else can I do to keep them happy? What kind of plants? (Thinking an elevated java moss lawn with lots of caves beneath.) I've heard that they like a lower temperature than normal. Is that everyone's experience? How about snails? I have a couple of tanks that breed snails like they're going out of style.
So here's the thing:
What determining characteristics should I look for to see if they are robusta or kubotai or something else?
If they do turn out to be robusta, will 30 gallons be enough to hold them? If they top out at 7", I would guess not. If there's room for anything else, or if I am going to need to split them out into two tanks and get them some dither fish, please recommend something. (If these do turn out to be one of the smaller species, I'm thinking pearl danios for dithers.)
I'd like to try and keep them as happy as I can in the circumstances, though, and, if a bigger tank is called for, I'll shoot for getting one in the next year or two.
What else can I do to keep them happy? What kind of plants? (Thinking an elevated java moss lawn with lots of caves beneath.) I've heard that they like a lower temperature than normal. Is that everyone's experience? How about snails? I have a couple of tanks that breed snails like they're going out of style.