Boring Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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Here is my 60 gallon tank and my fish are in my signature. I was wondering what I could add better the decor.



All comment welcome...even harsh ones :-(
i'd put in a plain black background, driftwood, and some java ferns planted in the gravel and on the driftwood. maybe some uniformly colored substrate would be nice.

right now i think you tank looks very unnatural. my suggestions will help it look more "natural", but it depends if you like it to look natural. its your choice, obviously.
thank you, I would like to get a couple respones before i make my finally decesion. also i do agree that it looks unnatural, I think its mainily the fake plants, but what do you guys think about the rocks?
The thing that makes it look most unnatural to me is the background. I think an improvement would be just putting in a black background or at the very least an ocean scene instead of desert. To me the most exciting tanks are the ones that look the most "real". As in, no neon fake rocks, no "no fishing" signs and other such stuff. My favorites are the ones with lots of live plants (or at least good fake ones), some wood or rocks (or both) and a natural colored substrate. That's the way I would go. Actually that's the way I did go. :D
So do you guys think my rocks should be taken out?? I really dont want to take them because i liked them, but what other decor would you recommend?
I think what makes it the most unnatural is the white and black gravel that does not match your background at ALL. its very sparse... even if you flipped the background over (that one has Ruins on the back, doesnt it?) it would be bluer and more water-like.

As for decor, more plants! Lots of them, either big fake ones or nice real ones! Cover your hardware with them (filter intake, heater, thermometer, etc) as them it will look even more natural =)
I agree with the others. The background is terrible.

And to go along with others, you can't go wrong with driftwood and rocks and live plants.

thanks alot for the help. I plan on buying a piece of driftwood to place in the center, and a few real plants (4-5). My question is, is there anything i need to know prior to getting real plants, and is there something i have to do to the plants or driftwood? Also, I would like to know what you think my final background should be, the ruins one on the back or a new simple one??
I would add a lot more plants (live or fake). Fake plants can be really expensive in lps, they can also be really cheap on ebay :sly: . Just make sure they are good quatily. Also a big peice of nice drift wood would look really cool in there :hey: .

I think a plain black background would be best.
well now i switched the backgroudn to the ruins. I was wondering if local fish shops like petco, and pet supplies plus sold driftwood. If now i have an aquuarium show real close to my house. Im going to pickup probably some plants, black background, and driftwood. ALso how much would a piece of driftwood be, say about 18-20 inches in length?? American $.
Driftwood is sold by weight generraly at LFS - so cost can vary significantly. Try and find some and clean it up instead (or try a garden center) - much cheaper.

I agree with others about the natural look too - a dark brown/black natural gravel with the black background and live plants can really set a tank off. (Saying that I have a very light coloured natural gravel with a lot of driftwood and many plants in my 57USG)

EDITED: for spelling
I would first of all use sand. And, heavily plant the tank. Also, add some driftwood or nice ornaments. Three sentences of suggestions don't look like much work, but it can be months and hundreds of dollars.
Rather than what looks natueral and what doesn't - what looks good and waht doesn't?
I think iit's harder to pull off a good looking aquarium without the natural look, but if thats what you want to do, then IMO it has too many things that don't match at the moment.
The gravel doesn't tie into the colours or the theme of the background.
I'd suggest you get rid of one or the other - maybe replace the gravel with sand if you keep the background, and replace the plastic plants with something that looks more like cacti?
Or keep the gravel and go for a black or a white background? If you go down this route, I reckon you would need to add some sort of decor in the tank which is strictly non-natural, otherwise it will look like it's just a mishmash of stuff; also the fish will like some cover which in a more natural aquarium is the plants.
Honestly, IMO you should go for what you like, and if that isn't a planted aquarium, don't have a planted aquarium. So long as the fish are happy, and you like it, then ultimately it doens't matter what I or anyone else thinks. So there !!!
The problem with the picture backgrounds (except possibly the plant ones) is that they make the tank look flatter; your eye is focusing beyond the fish at the picture. A plain black background (old plastic bin bag or whatever) will add more depth and make your eye focus on the fish/

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