after 2 months of CO2 induced it turned into this all but 5- 7 plants are my own cuttings and really pleased with the result, my aim now is to cover part of the back and sides with riccia walls, with luck
I cant remember my main concern was keeping it alive
loads of stuff most of the plants were taken from my 125L ,if it was easy to root on, seperate or if i saw a runner it emigrated upstairs to fill this one .
i do 10% water changes every monday, keep the light to 6 hours a day only, liquid fert once a week after water change, alternate my CO2 every 2nd monday and PRAY LIKE CRAZY!!!!!
spent loads of money killing previous plants on a daily basis, it annoyed me soooooo musch that i was determined to win this battle
i wont give you a pic of the tank the cuttings have came from as its as bare as a babboon's and use it now as an out grow tank.