Booyaga! They paid me to take away PUFFERS!


May 13, 2004
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Manitoba, Canada
I'm now the happy owner of two more dwarf puffers! Cute little girls seem to be getting along find with their new found tank mate. Getting DP in Winnipeg, Canada turned out to be a bit of a problem as they are rare to come by for some on reason in this province. I happened to drop by pet land about a week ago talking to the fish manager and he said he try and find some for me. Yesterday I got the phone call and when I finally got down their I saw about 50 tiny little faces exploring the 15gal after what I might suspect as a long trip. Here is where the fun started... not only did the employee helping me not know how sex them properly but he also exposed them directly to air as he pulled two from the tank :crazy: . I corrected him a couple of times and somehow when I got to the front counter the originally 4.99 a pieces cuties were reduced to 50% (with manager approval marked on the bag? I didn't believe he was in that evening but a bet the guy was just trying to cover his ass). Last time I was at pet land I used a merchandise credit which the cashier gave back to me, unmarked or marked down, so I used the merchandise credit a second time so the now 2.49 fish together where around 5.70 and I got back in cash 3 bucks which was the difference from my merchandise credit. I left the store shaking my head and laughing I really wonder how they stay in business

The little girls are safe at home now (the haven't yet taken to food yet unforunatly) and seem to be doing alright no problems with the air expoure to note currently.
thats because a bit of air exposure is not going to harm them anyway i move thousands of fish that are exposed . and as far as them staying in buisiness i few more dishonest fish thievs and perhaps you will have to travel a little further to find a helpfull shop asistant or owner . or perhaps the person selling you fish couldnt give a #### and wants to bring his boss dowm by not giving a #### ether ..
i know if it was the other way round and you wer(ripped off or short changed ) you wouldnt think that funny would you . (OH YOU WANT SOME TROUBLE MISTER?)
im your huckleberry
:huh: a bit harsh there squidlips.
squidlips said:
thats because a bit of air exposure is not going to harm them anyway i move thousands of fish that are exposed.
What he means is that exposing puffers to air can be hazardous.

If the puffers puffered while out of water, which they do due to stress, it can kill them.

Other non-puffing fish of course are not harmed by usual netting & bagging practices that remove them from water for a short period.

As to squidlips 'being your huckleberry' - it's a reference to the Mark Twain books and means to be your voice of concience that sees things from anther persons point of view. (at least that how I've always understood the phrase)

Personally, I don't think you did anything wrong, and it was merely the store's own system that let them down.
The nightly audit will highlight the problem and they will change the way their credit system works to avoid it happening again.
squidlips you strange strange person.... please, do us the favour of NOT replying to this thread any further...

A1, congrats, theres nothing wrong with abusing the system if they clearly haven't got a clue....

squidlips said:
thats because a bit of air exposure is not going to harm them anyway i move thousands of fish that are exposed . and as far as them staying in buisiness i few more dishonest fish thievs and perhaps you will have to travel a little further to find a helpfull shop asistant or owner . or perhaps the person selling you fish couldnt give a #### and wants to bring his boss dowm by not giving a #### ether ..
i know if it was the other way round and you wer(ripped off or short changed ) you wouldnt think that funny would you . (OH YOU WANT SOME TROUBLE MISTER?)
im your huckleberry
Yikes you know this is a family site? And I'm sure the mod and others don't appreciate your use of language. Personally while it might have been slightly dishonest of me I can sadly almost promise, unfortunately, the over half the remaining DP's, left under their care will die within the next few days due to improper care and I do firmly believe that the two are better off in my care than stuck to the filter intake.
In a rebuttal if I was short-change it would be my fault for not noticing and not doing something about it. Personally I’d go back and ask for the problem to be fixed. The error in both cases is on the improper training on employees, working in retail myself if the same situation were to arise at my workplace it would be the fault of the cashier the one who handed the merch. credit back me the first time and the one who took it again without first checking and writing down information in the book. This morning I called the manager and informed him about the miscatching of puffer and he agreed that he will have a small meeting and inform his staff again on the proper procedure to use "cupping " rather than netting as well as information about sexing. Last night apparently more than 12 puffers in the tank of 50 died.

Does anyone off hand know wither young DPs will eat ghost shrimp as they still (to my knowledge) haven’t eaten anything more than a nibble and this is starting to worry me.
SirMinion said:
As to squidlips 'being your huckleberry' - it's a reference to the Mark Twain books and means to be your voice of concience that sees things from anther persons point of view. (at least that how I've always understood the phrase)
I thought it wuz from Wyatt Earp when Doc Holiday said that to one of the head cowboys (don't remember his name, it's been a long time since i've seen that movie :p ) when they were lookin' to fight Wyatt....
i got it from wyat erp toomstone . but sir ninions explanation fits well with me allso . ps i was unaware of the puffer and air senario and stand humbly corrected . as for being dishonest i inform anyone ither way if something is not correct during a perchase . ps i cant read any bad languige only saw some #### printed . and to say #### isnt thad ofensive . not where i come from anyway. sorry to get your hackles up .

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