Boots Has Died :(


New Member
Jan 3, 2009
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well on Jan 5, 2009 my little cat went missing. we put up signs and searched after 2 days that he had gone. I had a few theories:

1. The coyotes got him *sniff*
2. Her got hit by a car
3. Someone had took him home

:(Yesterday we got a call from a lady a few neighborhood's away and she had said that she saw a cat just like the pic of Boots in her canal behind her house. she had told me though that he was dead :sick: , dead as a doornail :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( . she told me that it looks like the coyotes got him because his neck was ripped opened, but he must of got away. she gave me the address and my husband went to go burry him by a nice green park that he loved by out house. I cried all week ....... i ......he was only 4 years old .... i never thought this would happen *sniff* I dont think that i want anymore cats.....

Boots was gray and had white paws and belly, he was so soft and fuzzy warm :byebye: I....miss him so much! thanks

Sorry for your loss. I have never understood how people can let their cats out, its way to dangerous. Most cats are fine outside and although the chance of injury or death is pretty small, all of the MISSING notices around would be enough to keep mine indoors
I'm so sorry for your loss. That was such a sad story. I hope you are holding up, you must be devastated.

I know it's too soon to even think about but don't give up on the idea of any future cat, remember how wonderful they are and how much you give each other. There are always housecats.



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