I have been studying bettas for over 20 years and I would like to share one of my many observations when it comes to developing a strong bond with your betta. They like QUALITY time. By that I mean a sincere attention to them for 15 to 20 minutes straight minimum. One thing they all seem to hate is when you come over to their tank and pay attention to them, talking to them, getting them real interested in you and they finally come over to you but then you (we) walk away because we don't have the time to spend more time at their tank. Nothing will #101## off a Betta faster than you getting them interested in you only to have them watch you walk away from their tank. If you give them quality time each day they will develop a strong bond with you and interact with you in ways that will suprise you.
Another thing I have observed when keeping several bettas (all in seperate tanks) and trying to give them all quality time, is that they get jealous. They really do. The seem to resent the quality time you give to the OTHER Betta(s) even if you give them each a fair amount of quality time. I have found this does effect the bonding process in a negative way and requires you to give a LOT MORE QUALITY TIME to each betta if you want to develop a tight bond with all of them.
I'm sure you've seen your Betta throw a Hissy Fit when they get mad at you. That's when they swim rapidly and flash their tail against stuff in the tank as though to say HEY, I DIDN'T LIKE THAT. The Hissy Fit is a freaquent response I have observed when I leave one Betta to go pay attention to another. And the Betta that is throwing the hissy fit is the one I just left.
So next time you get your Betta all excited that you want to play with them, try to make it last for about 15 minutes or until they lose interest and swim away first.
One more observation if I may. They are studying us ALL THE TIME. Even when we are not near their tanks if they can see us they are watching us but they will often do it in a way to hide the fact that they are watching us. Yes...Bettas can be shy too.
Love your Bettas (as I'm sure we all do or we wouldn't be posting about them) and they will love you back. But..You all know that already.
Another thing I have observed when keeping several bettas (all in seperate tanks) and trying to give them all quality time, is that they get jealous. They really do. The seem to resent the quality time you give to the OTHER Betta(s) even if you give them each a fair amount of quality time. I have found this does effect the bonding process in a negative way and requires you to give a LOT MORE QUALITY TIME to each betta if you want to develop a tight bond with all of them.
I'm sure you've seen your Betta throw a Hissy Fit when they get mad at you. That's when they swim rapidly and flash their tail against stuff in the tank as though to say HEY, I DIDN'T LIKE THAT. The Hissy Fit is a freaquent response I have observed when I leave one Betta to go pay attention to another. And the Betta that is throwing the hissy fit is the one I just left.
So next time you get your Betta all excited that you want to play with them, try to make it last for about 15 minutes or until they lose interest and swim away first.
One more observation if I may. They are studying us ALL THE TIME. Even when we are not near their tanks if they can see us they are watching us but they will often do it in a way to hide the fact that they are watching us. Yes...Bettas can be shy too.
Love your Bettas (as I'm sure we all do or we wouldn't be posting about them) and they will love you back. But..You all know that already.