New Member
I have had a Bolivian ram for 3 weeks. He was doing great and really showing his colors. He recently started turning black and gray and was not swimming as much. 2 days ago, he started swimming weirdly, like he was having a seizure. Yesterday, I noticed he was floating in his side, and would swim upright whenever I walked over to the tank. He was in a tank with 4 hockey stick tetras, a synodontis petricola, and a mystery snail. I noticed his symptoms yesterday, and he was checking all of the boxes of parasite related disease. I immediately ordered Fritz paracleanse, and added a dose of it today. He died 2 hours later. Think it was a parasite, but still suspicious. If anyone has any insight, advice, or help, it would be greatly appreciated. Last note, he had lost all of his color when he died and was completely black and gray. Any advice or insight? Thanks