Holy cow, what a great camera, especially up close where it counts!!!!! FOTM here you come! I honestly don't think you need to do anything differently, the pics look great!!!!!
You tank looks HUUUGEE!!! nice pieces of mopani too! When you plant it, I would really plant heavily around your rocks so it looks like it's been there forever
Angels are going to look great in your tank. The thing that's great about them is that even when they're small, they take up a lot of space bc they're all over the place, especially when they're in a group bc they're brave. and silly
I was just recently looking at eco complete too lol. black substrate is going to look amazing in that tank, I can't wait lol. Unfortunately, eco complete is not good for cories
I heard it is really rough. The pics that they give you online with the product info is way diff than the actual pics I've seen of it in tanks. HOWEVER, someone on the forums said they make an eco complete "fine grade" now. And they've been using it, successfully, with cories for about 6 months now.
20 gallons are tricky bc there's so many different footprints to them, but bc yours is a 20 long, i think you should be fine with a group of cories....
You've finally been brought to the dark side muahaha, hope your ready for the addiction that comes with it
What type of cories did you see? bc it's still a 20g which is the minimum, I would stick with a smaller species like pandas. They've got one of the best personalities IMO as well. Plus they're coloring would look pretty killer with black substrate. You could even go with one of the dwarf species and up the numbers to 10, but they're not quite the same as other cories, and I think you should experience the real thing lol...... what is wrong with me.
I convinced the husband that setting up the 10g is a great idea. I must say, my wifely ways are at their pinnacle lol... I mentioned that with the way my angels keep spawning, I could probably make a couple bucks here and there if I raised the fry and sold them. But not in a breeders net thats for sure. And he had the great idea of setting up my little tank. See what i did there?!