

Dec 9, 2006
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Cumbria, UK
When i first set up my tank last year i added some bogwood and i had the tank running for 1 night when the water went brown! I discoverd this when i woke up the next morning and i was realy gutted. We did the tank again without bogwood and the water was clear. Was this supposed to happen as i would love to add some bogwood to my tank but dont know how to go about it? Can someone please offer me some advice? I will only have one day to re-do my tank so i will have give my fish to a mate for the day but he can't keep them any longer than that. Can i get some bogwood in there and have the tank settled with the fish back in it by the end of the day? Joemuz :fish: :fish: :fish:
It sounds as though your bogwood is releasing tannins into the water which is causing it to go brown.
The best way to solve this is to soak your bogwood in hot water for a few days and this should help get rid of the problem. :good:
It sounds as though your bogwood is releasing tannins into the water which is causing it to go brown.
The best way to solve this is to soak your bogwood in hot water for a few days and this should help get rid of the problem. :good:

Shal i keep changing the water in the bowl i will keep it in every time it goes brown? Just so it cleans better. Is it harmfull to the fish?
I change the water and replace with fresh boiling water (with de-chlor) every 24 hours, that will speed up the process.

As for whether its harmful to your fish, no it isn't they would actually prefer the tannins in the water in all likelyhood.

Ever seen pictures of the amazon say? Very dirty brown ranging to black in some places.
I change the water and replace with fresh boiling water (with de-chlor) every 24 hours, that will speed up the process.

As for whether its harmful to your fish, no it isn't they would actually prefer the tannins in the water in all likelyhood.

Ever seen pictures of the amazon say? Very dirty brown ranging to black in some places.

I was thinking that it looks like the Amazon. But i will clean it anyway and when the water stops going brown its ready to. Can i leave it for a few days after i clean it before i put it in the tank? Will it be ok to dry-out again?
I was thinking that it looks like the Amazon. But i will clean it anyway and when the water stops going brown its ready to. Can i leave it for a few days after i clean it before i put it in the tank? Will it be ok to dry-out again?

Could do i suppose, but once its stopped leeching in the hot water i throw it straight in, you'll probably find that you wont have got every last drop out but regular water changes should keep on top of it. If you do dry it again i'd probably give it a quick dunk in boiling water again just incase anything nasty has got on there while it was drying. hth
I was thinking that it looks like the Amazon. But i will clean it anyway and when the water stops going brown its ready to. Can i leave it for a few days after i clean it before i put it in the tank? Will it be ok to dry-out again?

Could do i suppose, but once its stopped leeching in the hot water i throw it straight in, you'll probably find that you wont have got every last drop out but regular water changes should keep on top of it. If you do dry it again i'd probably give it a quick dunk in boiling water again just incase anything nasty has got on there while it was drying. hth

Oh yeah i wouldnt of just dunked it straight away i would deffo rinse it first. It would be dusty and all sorts on it.
Thanks a lot mate. Il tell ya how i get on.
Just a quick question regarding this. Will the bogwood continue releasing tannnins in the water for the duration it's in the aquarium or will it stop at some point??

And if it does stop releasing tannins how long (approx.) will this take?

Many thanks!
Just a quick question regarding this. Will the bogwood continue releasing tannnins in the water for the duration it's in the aquarium or will it stop at some point??

And if it does stop releasing tannins how long (approx.) will this take?

Many thanks!

I allways leave my bogwood soaked in water for around 4 weeks (changing the water every few days)
The bogwood will stop releasing the tannin eventually i suppose it just depeneds on the size of the bog wood.

Rule of thumb:

Keep soaking till it doesnt turn the water brown! dont put a time limit on it
There is no hard and fast rule about how long it will take, it is dependant on the wood.

I have had a piece stop leeching in a bucket withing 24 hours and some pieces that still do a little.

Perhaps i notice it less as i probably do more water changes then the average tank.
Many thanks for your advice.

I've had 3 medium sized pieces of bogwood in my tank for 4 weeks now and I have been doing 5% water changes every other day. The water is still slightly brown.

What I am planning on doing is a bigger water change when I get hold of a "Lee's Syphon". This will make it easier as the tank is 37G.

I'm hoping I can get the water as clear as poss.

Thanks again! :good:
Many thanks for your advice.

I've had 3 medium sized pieces of bogwood in my tank for 4 weeks now and I have been doing 5% water changes every other day. The water is still slightly brown.

What I am planning on doing is a bigger water change when I get hold of a "Lee's Syphon". This will make it easier as the tank is 37G.

I'm hoping I can get the water as clear as poss.

Thanks again! :good:

This might be cheaper and do the same thing as i have no idea what a lee syphon is.

Hose pipe!!!

Cut a short length say 2-3 feet submerse it all in the tank put ur thumb over one end and pull it out so that one end goes into ur bucket whilst keeping the other end submerged int he water at all times....

wa la water changes wont take as long

Put the Bogwood in last night (Wed 31st) and it has turned out ok! :yahoo:
The water is slightly brown but looks cool. But sadly got home from school and found one of my fish i had been treating for whitespot had got more.
Went out with Mum 'n' Dad for 30 min and got back to find him dead :byebye: :rip: :byebye:
Oh well, he wont be suffering any more bless the little fella.
Thanks, Joemuz

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