Hm, this is where it gets confusing
My lfs said just add salt to the water, but I'd have thought the chlorine left in would damage the fish!
If the water doesn't clear I might have to think about the driftwood :C)
Rite, what exactly are the shrimps u have ? I take it theyr freshwater ? If so then there is no need to add salt at all, just add dechlorinator after each water change. Without a test kit u wont know whan ur tank is cycled, ur lfs may test the water for u if u take a sample.
As for the crabs, i'm not sure on them as i havent kept them, but a friend of mine always uses this quote :
just looked at the link, nice little shrimps, yes sorry i did'nt know you kept mollies they do need salt added, but when doing a water change
chloride remover is necessery, i would ask your lfs about adding the crabs, to make sure they'll be ok with the shrimps, my lfs told me crabs should be kept in a tank of there own
Don't bother with the crabs - they require more of an Aqua-terrarium, mixture of water and land. They are nice but I personally wouldn't mix with fish.... you lfs is doing the wrong thing and sending the wrong message. The crabs will get bigger and attack the shrimps and the fish, so beware.
If you want crabs heres how you set up, this site is pretty good.....
You have both persuaded me that crabs are not meant for my aquarium, the only problem I was told, was that they would escape if there was a gap in the lid! Just one more question, will neons tolerate the salt?
No, they won't unfortunately. They're (as are most Corydoras) very intolerant of salt. Do the water changes as suggested and live with the tannins, they will dilute out as time goes on! And your neons love tannins anyway.... just think of your water looking a bit more natural. Thats how the neons will be feeling.... they come from 'Blackwaters' naturally (tannin rich) anyway, they may even spawn!
Most livebearers like salt, thats guppies and platies. All tetras (and all corys as gibbo said) test salt as it will react with them basically burning there skin and sometimes even killing them!
I cleaned my really well i let it soak about 3 days and scrubbed it good and used that seri tank clean on it really well and rinsed it well and it is fine
i had crabs , ooopss better rephrase that i had a couple of red clawed crabs in my tank and they were really cool. They didn't bother anything eles in the tank and were really good entertainment.
Just make sure that there is no way for them to escape e.g. a really good lid to your tank. I came down one morning to find one of mine by the front door, god knows how he got down the four foot to the floor and travelled all the way across the house. I think he must have climbed up the filter pipe and down to the external filter.