Boamansi or Molly for my tank?

What should I get?

  • Molly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Boamansi Rainbowfish

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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    0 off......Excuse me Miss Cheese if I step on your toes.....but Pleco-Heaven my dear.....I was here before Miss Purdy give me some credit eh?? :p ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I really wasn't trying to be mean at all. I was just trying to tell you like it is!!!

Personally for 5 firemouths I would have nothing less than a 55 gallon just for them and maybe a pleco and some cories....... :crazy:

I'm sorry but a 23 gallon can not possibly have loads of room......not to mention having this loads of room left after taking into consideration all of the messy cichlids and those barbs!!!!

Firemouths can get up to 7" long.......even one of them should not be permanently housed in a 23 gallon tank :no: If they are all babies then I could see your judgement call on this one, but as they grow.....just know that no amount of filteration is going to help you out with 35" of cichlid fish in a 23 gallon tank!!

Sorry mate! ;)
heresmike said:
Cheese Specialist said:
My boesmani ... isn't
Did you mean your 'bosemanis ... aren't', as in more than one bosemani? 'cuz I think I heard somewhere that they have to be kept in groups of 3.
Nope, my grammar is correct, I have one.

I got him when I got my tank in January (second hand and included fish). I added 2 others but he killed them so there's not too much I can do.

Seems fine and active, eats well. Supposed he's just used to being alone.

Pleco-Heaven - I don't know why you bother putting questions up on here, you say silver has been getting tips from me. Has it actually crossed your mind that your tank is stupidly overstocked and that you have a real problem on your hands. Also, that adding more fish into that situation is not a good idea?

I thought not. See you in the emergency section soon.
5 firemouthes in that tank is cruel. I wouldn't put 1 in that tank.

Why would you want to stuff more fish in that little tank?
Pleco-Heaven said:
silver said:
Alright, I'm probably going to piss you off a bit.....

I wouldn't suggest that you get ANY more fish at all!!!!!! You already have FIVE firemouth cichlids in a 23 gallon TANK.......woah matter if you had 20 filters on the darn tank that just simply isn't enough room for those guys!! I also noticed you have a RTBS also. I think you should maybe just slow down a've got PLENTY of fish for that small of a tank!

My advice would be just plain and simply DON'T get anymore fish until you can get a bigger one for all them there cichlids you've got your hands on!!!!

THEN and only then would I suggest getting more fish, and I wouldn't suggest Rainbows either if you are looking for top dwellers. I have some Melanotaenia Rainbows (New Guniea Rainbows) and they are also ONLY mid dwellers to slightly bottom.....they do not swim at the top either except to snap at some food and they don't even like to do that! :no: Although dwarf gouramis would be nice and they do stay at the top quite a bit.....but only get them when you have room for them ;)

Sorry mate :/
Just MHO....take it or leave it! :D
Have you been takeing lessons from Cheese on how to piss people off saying they're tank is overstocked.
I was thinking the same thing! It's not a matter of what's being said, it's HOW it's being said. Not disagreeing with their advice... but this is supposed to be the friendliest forum around.
You're also looking at big price difference, I know around here boesmani rainbows start at $15 CAD, and that's for a small one.
your tank is only about 2 gallons larger than mine.. and looking at mine I would never EVER consider keeping that many inches of fish in there, especially fish that grow as large as your firemouths.

I know my tank isn't ideally stocked but at least I know not to add anymore - you however are talking about adding even more when your tank has more than it can handle anyway!!

I recommend rehousing your firemouths in a larger tank before even considering getting another species of fish in there.
I actually didn't think anything I said was rude at all!!!!

I was trying to be nice actually...........


Hence all the smilies!!!! :p

Edit> Having re-read all of my posts I STILL don't see where I was coming across as rude
I would go with the rainbow fish they are so colorfull. 8)

Daveo :flex:
Holy molly!

4 firemouth cichlids
1 Golden firemouth (Thorichtys malculpinnis)
1 gibbiceps pleco
1 R.T.B.S
7 tiger barbs (1 green)

1. 5 fire mouth is over stocked

2. 1 gibbiceps pleco is 50 cm adult size, acorrdin gto my books.

3. rtbs and the 7 tiger barbs are just about over stocked

woah, u need at least 3 of ur tank for them to grow out to adult...

well no u need a really big tank for ur plec...

unless u move some of ur fish...good luck and i will see u in the emergency section very soon, as someone already said :rofl:
Ya, I guess we can be seen as nasty sometimes...........

I changed my posts Pleco-Heaven so it doesn't look like I'm attacking or YELLING at you......oops, there I did it again.........or yelling at you :*) ;)

But seriously, just try and enjoy the fish you've got until you can house them more adequately!! :/
i don't think he will look at this topic anymore, just so that he can prove himself right that he can add more fish :rolleyes:

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