

Feb 20, 2008
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Somerset (UK)
Hiya Guys
I am wondering if 2 pairs would get along in either a 120 litre or a 180 litre

I am assuming it will be a big no. I just want confirmation.

Also how many females to one male can a male cope with?
Hiya Guys
I am wondering if 2 pairs would get along in either a 120 litre or a 180 litre

I am assuming it will be a big no. I just want confirmation.

Also how many females to one male can a male cope with?

180ltr is what a 3 foot tank if so then providing there is enough hiding spaces and plenty of places for them 2 make there own terortory then 2 pairs should be fine ...... as 2 the females 2 males then u really only need 1 pair 2 suffice you enough with babies as it is specially when they normally produce 50-150 eggs each time and breed say at max every 6 weeks usually :)

Thanks Jen.
I seem to have a pair who do absoultely nothing! She is as big a house and not doing anything (bigger now than the picture I post on the forum afew weeks ago). I keep thinking that she will pop but she is keeping me waiting. :rolleyes:

What I ideally want is two groups for my two tanks but not the same colours as I have fallen for them big time.

I have purchased two Albino LF Bns but they are quite small still so I dont know there sex yet but they seem to be doing well.
Also I have been offered some more LF albinos by a person I know but i am now in two minds as to what to do.

I have purchased a second normal Bn to make a trio.

I am not too worried about the babies as I have spoken to the place I bought my pair from and they have said they will take them on and I have a spare tank for the babies to be grown on from.

I am assuming that a trio of the same colours is better than mix and matching?
Sorry for the garbled message. :blush: :rolleyes:
Anyone have any ideas?

Also does anyone know how long it takes for a Bn to start showing their bristles so that you can sex them?
they say 2.ins or 6mths to show sex i may be wrong someone else will say the same or something else
wot i do is a 25% water change that is colder then the temp in tank that normaly gets the male started and then i feed them cucumber after i turn the light out at night by the morning i have eggs in hes cave male is lookng after load of egs not always work my temp in tank is around 75f when water is added its around 60f and when added to tank the temp goes down to around 70f

just picked up to more breeding pairs bristlenose got them in a 2ft tank on there own with caves x2 and bogwood x 3 in each tank temp is 76f
That is really cold to me. Thats 23oC.

My tank hover's around 25-26oc (77F).

Are they okay at that temp? Not to diss your temps. you are obviously doing something right to get them to breed. :lol: while I seem to be doing something wrong.
its only that low after the water change temp not is at 75/77f or 25/28c
one of my tanks is on 74.5 got one of Digital Display Thermometer and it says 74.5 on it got a breeding pair in there

i think i seen somewhere that they will breed in Keep the water temperature around 23-27 degrees Celsius when spawning Bristlenose catfish. The pH-value should be neutral or slightly acidic, from pH 6.5 to 7.0. The ideal water hardiness is 4-10 dGH. Regular water changes are important, especially after spawning.

but my ph is most of my tanks between 7.5 8.0 ph
Whay! :band:

My female was stuck to the side of the tank this morning and was looking positively anorexic!

I had noticed some signs of her checking out my males new cave (a coconut I put in last week) and I thought something was up. Had a quick look inside (as some of my snails had got in there and the male was going mad) and there he was with some eggs.

Have had to put my snails in a breeding trap as my spare tank is being treated for white spot. This will be temporary for the time being until I sort something out.

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