Hey guys,
just got a 1-1.5 inch bristlenose pleco for 5 us dollars! pretty good where i live because i can never find them. Anyway, I brought him/her home today and put him in my 55 gallon (yes, its cycled) I have heard they love cucumber but was wondering how to prepare it? i have a veggie clip to sink it if needed. Do i just drop it in? or boil it? also is he large enough to eat a cucumber slice yet? Sorry if these are somewhat silly but nevertheless, i dont know. Any help much appreciated friends.
did you par boil the cucumber? as it may be one reason the fish left it!Well....
I am sorry to report that he didnt touch any of the cucumber??!! He swam right by it many times, even running into it while sucking on the glass....I am kinda worried because i know they eat algae and there isnt really any in my tank. I am just worried he is not getting enough to eat. I drop alage wafers in often for the corys but he didnt seems to touch/find those either...Do you guys have any feeding reccomendations? Will he eat frozen bloodworms like the corys once they sink to the bottom? thanks...
It might be the fish is still acclimating to the aquarium. Sometimes they can take a week or two before they feel comfortable with their surroundings and begin to feed. I wouldn't worry if he doesn't eat for a week or two. Males will go for a few weeks guarding their eggs and then fry before going out to feed for instance. When my pair spawned, I didn't see my male leave his cave for two weeks while the fry grew. Once they were gone though, he went back to eating like normal.
a very good point!!