Bn Plec Looks Unwell - Help Please!


New Member
Aug 17, 2009
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Staffordshire, UK.
Hi all, I'm after a little help.

My largest Bristlenose Plec isn't looking to well. He is usually a really dark brown - but his whole body has gone lighter (he has gone this colour before when stressed during a tank change) and the back section of his body and tail have gone white and I can see red where it looks like his scales/skin are cracking.

I managed to get a couple of pictures so I hope these help somebody to identify whats up with him as he's very lethargic and obviously not well.

Many thanks!


That looks really nasty. I think I'd try a course of Myxazin, in case it's something bacterial and make sure your water is in tip top condition.

I don't suppose there's any chance of it being heater burn, is there? It often happens to plecs, and unless you have a heater guard, that could be the cause.

Best of luck with him, but I feel I should say that fish that bad don't often pull through, so do be prepared to lose him :(
:( his tail looks really saw :( poor bn

+1 on flutters comment

Does he use his tail cause imo that white bit looks like its died maybe he has lost blood circulation have u got any cotton fishing wire that has come into contact with the tank water say to hold plants to surfaces??

But it just came to me that his tail looks like its died :(
Bit of an update:

After input from a couple of forums and thinking about his habits (i.e. spending a lot of time attached to the heater) it seems 99% it's a heater burn.

I've been dosing the tank for the past 3 days with Melafix and StressCoat.

Touch wood, his tail is looking a whole lot better and he is behaving more like he used to rather than sitting on top of the bog-wood looking sorry for himself.

Thanks for your input - and I hope that soon I'll say he's made a full recovery!

Oh, I'm so glad he's recovering, that's brilliant!

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