Blue Wood Shrimp?

no, it's far to small to be a crayfish. This is one of those oddball species. They tossed it in with the Ornate bichir at the store, and it's doing great. but they were really p/o'ed because it is a species of wood shrimp offically, but only there because there probably wasn't ab etter classification, and it then eats fishy.
Crayfish come in a large range of sizes, and they all are born small.
That link looks exactly like my shrimp, which is also blue, labelled as an armoured shrimp in my LFS. Mine was £15. Only problem with these guys is they are very shy and he hides all the time where we can only see his 'fan hands' moving. He just molted and we thought he'd been eaten by one of our other fish! Panicked when we saw what looked like his legs on some wood. He is such a cool shrimp but expensive for something you never see! :lol:

I just like knowing he's in there though. :D
Are you sure it eats fish? The first time I saw a bamboo shrimp, which was mis-labeled as a marble shrimp (a saltwater species), I asked the lfs people about them. They swore up and down that they were trying to catch and eat the fish that were in the tank with them, and not to get them if you had small fish.... Something really didn't seem right to me seeing as how the shrimp had FANS and not pincers.... Went home, found out what they were, and went to different store to get some. (Half as expensive as the first store).

If it really does have fans, it can't kill fish. :D
yes. The lfs said they were wondering where fish dissapeared to, and were very mad at him when they caught him in the act. So they threw him in with the ornate bichir, something he definatly can't eat :lol:

oddly enough, the ornate bichir hasn't eaten it....

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