Blue/three Spot Gourami


New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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Sorry i'm really new to this so if this is is the wrong place again i'm sorry.

Two weeks ago i brought a blue gourami and a moonlight gouarmi recently the moonlight one dies so we secided to buy another blue one with the other one since we have put the new smaller one in the tank the established one hasn't stopped chasing the smaller one and it looks like it keeps nipping at it. I'm not sure what sex they are as not sure how to tell, the smaller one is now hiding under the filter and i'm worried that he will die as well any ideas what i can do.

My tank is 95 litres i have a couple of mollies, a couple of platys, 2 swordtails, 6 cardinal tetras, 2 plecos and 2 anglefish (new today)
hmm i bought 4 x 3 spot gouramis at the weekend but mine seem fine.. maybe you should have gotten more gouramis as mine havent done any chasing ?
I have a feeling that they might both be males and maybe thats why they aren't getting on is there anything i can do to make one stop chasing the other

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