Blue Rams Eating Their Eggs!

Blue Ramirezi

Fish Crazy
Sep 26, 2011
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Hi everyone, I seem to be having a problem with breeding my blue rams. I get up to the egg laying stage and they even fertilize the eggs, but they still eat the eggs. Last night I was very excited because they layed a whole load of eggs on my bogwood, however the following day when I got home the egg quantity had dropped dramatically. eventually i noticed both the male and the female "nipping" the eggs, Eventually there was only 1 left, they arent eating it but I doubt it will hatch as the parents arent caring for it. Can anyone tell me why the eggs arent hatching, I will provide any info on the tank, thanx,

Sorry I mean can anyone tell me why they are eating the fish
How big is the tank? How long has it been running? What other fish are in the tank with the Rams (if any)?

I`ve asked one of the Mods to move this to the New Worlds section for you, you`ll probably get more replies there :good:
I think they will eat their eggs if they are stressed out or if there is something wrong with the eggs. Could there be anything causing them stress? Please list all the tank mates, temperature, pH, etc. Also it would be good to give the water a test for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and post the result.
The first few times this is perfectly normal. Even a batch of eggs after a few successful spawns may get eaten. They will eventually get it right, have faith in them. :)
thanks alot of you wanted to know the tankmates I have 3 blue rams 1 male 2 female, 2 bolivian rams unown gender and i recently after the eggs were eaten put a firemouth which was getting picked on in, but the blue rams attacked it -_- but now its settled in. anyway the Ph is 6.8 Kh is 3 Gh is soft (luckily) no1 i dont actually know no2 is nitrite? if so then 0 and 25mg p/l
the tank has been running for quite a while now about a month it is quite a small tank being (cm) 46x30x23 w d b
the only thing that can stress it out is probably the noise of the filter? is that a problem?
You have 5 rams in a tank with a 46*23 footprint? yikes! that'll be some of the problem, rams are territorial. they're also pairing fish not harem fish so at the most you should have a pair. I'd remove the bolivians and the lone blue female, giving the single pair chance to be alone in their territory.

the tank's also not big enough for a firemouth...
I think ur absolutly right but remember the firemoth is still a juvinial so yeah :) @ the moment im not too sure about moving the fish untill next month because my second tank is well... cant hold so many fish -_- but i am getting a huuge 350l tank in a week or two so yes
MORE NEWS!!!!: my male has recently stopped obsessing over the one female that layed eggs and started getting aggresive again its also protecting tha female. they are constantly staying in the same place and the female is FAT! I think ther probably gonna breed so i need some info to help stop them from eating ther eggz PS: I cant move fish cuz other tank has no space

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