Blue Rams And Mates


Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Waukesha WI
I want to keep a pair of blue rams but I don't know what else to put with them. Its a 30 gallon us long. I have read they are community fish but with ph and temp differences I don't really know where to start. :crazy:
Hi 'guidedbyechoes',

What are your water paremeters?

I have my blue rams in with tetras, corys and even cherry shrimp and they all get along great. the rams have spawned twice (but havent yet learnt that they are not supposed to eat their own eggs after laying them).

I keep my tank at around 26°c and the PH is around 7 but unless you either have very high or very low PH most normal community type fish will be fine with Blue Rams.
Hi 'guidedbyechoes',

What are your water paremeters?


my tank doesn't even have water in it yet. I'm researching first. :good: :good:
Hi 'guidedbyechoes',

What are your water paremeters?


my tank doesn't even have water in it yet. I'm researching first. :good: :good: I'm going for a south american theme. Most likely gouramis, rainbows and tetras. Or I might put the rams in the 25 gallon I also have. Is it a necsessity to get a pair or can they be happy solo?"
Ah I see!

I have a couple of Rams [unfortunately one has passed away], and they seem to get on really well with Harlequin Rasboras. There's a shoal of 10 plus tens of baby bristlenoses and the Rams seem to enjoy their company - if not startling each other in the bogwood caves as they blindly find the best spot.

I was also thinking about getting another Pearl gourami, as I used to have one who lived to be 10 years old - and was absolutely brilliant. I think they like softer water, and some species can be very gentle-minded, so I would presume a good tankmate for Blue Rams?

Ah I see!

I have a couple of Rams [unfortunately one has passed away], and they seem to get on really well with Harlequin Rasboras. There's a shoal of 10 plus tens of baby bristlenoses and the Rams seem to enjoy their company - if not startling each other in the bogwood caves as they blindly find the best spot.

I was also thinking about getting another Pearl gourami, as I used to have one who lived to be 10 years old - and was absolutely brilliant. I think they like softer water, and some species can be very gentle-minded, so I would presume a good tankmate for Blue Rams?


I went to the usual lfs to do some "research" and I didn't see any pearls there..... I saw a ton of them at another lfs and they were amazing looking. Now I need to go to the newb section and post what I plan on keeping and see if its a good idea.
My Ph is in the high 7's and my pair of rams are fine :) you'll find alot of tank bred specimens are better at adapting to different params ;)
My rams are in my 4ft. Temp 26C deg pH 7.0 They are in with gouramis, bristol nose plecs, convicts, electric yellows, tiger barbs and clown loaches. ll get along great :)

The rams arent fans of flakes so get a combo of flakes, pellets and brine and blood worms.

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