Blue Ram With Popeye


New Member
Jan 7, 2007
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Hi I bought a Blue ram on sunday at petland and that girl could finally get the little guy after ONE HOUR so now my little guy has a popeye my water parameters are
Temp 78
PH 7.4
Ammo O
Nitrite O
Nitrare 10
I read that this can occure by stress so is this possible that this little fish has Popeye due to the stressful

Thanks for anny reply kaboke :shout:
yes and it makes me sad it took a while before i found a blue ram and now the poor guy is stressed

Your water stats are good so don't blame yourself.
Catching a fish for an hour would of stressed the poor thing to death.

I would add some melafix for now she could of caught the eye with a net.
Thanks i will do that it is possible that she hurt the little fish I mean it took so long for here to chatch him that even I was getting stressed

Thanks for the help and i will keep a verry close eye on him and keep you updated if i see some changing

Poor thing, fingers crossed and good luck.
Keep the board updated if you can.
it makes me so angry when i see this because they aren't bothered about the fishes health or anything. i politely point out that if they used two nets any moved very very slowly they would catch them in no time at all, the fish almost swim into the nets

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