U could always try neons or cardinal tetras. I see some tanks with just angels and cardinals and i ask them if they ever fight and they say no not at all. And it goes the other way around some ppl say that u shouldn't have angels with small fish but i guess its just a matter of a luck. Its up to u if you want to try it. Ur ram will get along great with them. I dont know about the ram and the angels though.
What are the width/length/height dimensions? Sounds good, but if it's too tall and narrow, there may not be enough of a footprint for the rams to be comfortable.
You could add some schooling fish - rummynose tetras or harlequin rasboras would go nicely
I would say you could get another Blue Ram but i wouldnt get rummys as they like quite long tanks to be happy(tight schooling fish). I would go for neons, cardinals or harlequin rasboras as already suggested.
I would go with cardinals over neons as they get bigger and would be a less tempting angel snack down the road. Harlequin rasboras would be a good way to avoid that as well since they have a much taller profile.
chad your signature is too long and should be moved to your profile...better someone tell you now then it be deleted by a mod first...i would remove it and check out the signature rules