Blue Phantom L128

pirate monkey

Fish Crazy
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Wokingham, Berks
We visited our lfs yesterday and came home with a blue phantom. I was just wondering if anyone has any particular advice about them as there doesn't seem to be lots on tinternet, and I'd really like to hear from people with experience of looking after these beautiful guys.

We got as much info from the lfs as possible but I'm not entirely convinced he knew exactly what he was on about (he didn't even realise they had some in stock...)

Any advice much appreciated :good:

not a particularly hard sp. to care for, should be fairly outgoing and active as well.

i assume the normal thing like making sure its belly isn't hollow has been checked?

omnivorous, mine enjoyed the usual plec fare of courgette, algae wafers with a meaty treat of prawns, mussles or the like perhaps weekly.
Oh you are so lucky! Blue Phantoms are GORGEOUS! We saw one over the christmas break. Can't afford one for my tank though unfortunately. Post us some pics :)
Thanks xingumike!

I have to admit we didn't check for hollow belly but nor did lfs. Would it be a pretty obvious thing to see? We picked the most active fellow, and he seems to be quite happy so far as we can tell!

Thanks Darkstar, thats really helpful!
finally managed to take some pics, still trying to work out all these things I've discovered on my camera so only one good one lol :good:


my little bundle of pride and joy :D
Wow! Simply gorgeous!! I shall be getting one soon. ...
I have seen them ranging from about £30 - £50+, do you mind me asking how much you paid?

Thanks, xingu!

Lisa he cost £36, so I guess that was a good price! He's about 3 1/2 ".

I keep calling it a 'he' but does anyone know how to tell...?!
probably to small to tell at 3.5 inches, would need to be settled in the aquarium for a while anyway to tell.

Odontal growth wont happen for probably another 2 inches at least and without looking at its vent in minute detail now i can't think of any other way to determine it.

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