Blue Panchax Killifish (aplocheilus Panchax)


Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2007
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id like to know more about this fish and the details on sexing them cause i plan to breed them and the golden wonder killifish i already have one blue panchax and it seems a very interesting thing to do...
A perennial breeder (Ref. 27139), both in fresh and brackish waters, particularly from November to March (Ref. 7020).;StockCode=4980

as for sexing it is often a bit hit and miss but bmales are more colourful, and should have a longer pair of pelvic fins that end in a sharp tip. Same with the dorsal fin, which should be pointed at the end.

it seems i have a female and in the pet store they all looked the same i was told by a friend that some pet stores only sell one species is this true? and can some one tell me how to put photos on this so i can show you what she looks like?
open an account at (it's free) after you register upload your pics to your library then copy and paste the bottom .img file back into the forum thread.
Incidentally Aplo. panchax are easy to sex, providing they are sexually mature.
Aplo. lineatus are the difficult ones.
open an account at (it's free) after you register upload your pics to your library then copy and paste the bottom .img file back into the forum thread.
Incidentally Aplo. panchax are easy to sex, providing they are sexually mature.
Aplo. lineatus are the difficult ones.
here thats her these arnt the best photos but their pretty good


Anytime! That site's pretty useful in your case.
Not sure about the "brackish" water advise, I've kept the golden wonders in fresh and also had eggs and raised fry in fresh water.
Not sure about the "brackish" water advise, I've kept the golden wonders in fresh and also had eggs and raised fry in fresh water.
what brackish advice?
if you are refering to my post that is not advice it is a fact taken from fishbase.
ok so the females are missing the black tips of the fins and have more orange and yellow ok i think ive got it now thanks BigC the pet store ran out today and the manager said there not gonna get some for a while but the day before i went in and there was 3 males 1 female and 1 very young one (i couldnt tell if it was a male or female)
what would be some good fish i could put them in a community tank with because im thinking of a change in my fish community but i want to keep a few things like my kuhlii loaches every thing else i want to change like all my tetras and guppies

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