Blue Lobster

wow... I just got 2 baby blues last week for $10 on aquabid... they're just about 2 cm each - very cute. So far they seem to get along with everyone although one of my sick dime sized baby angels completely disappeared... Wish i had read this first
Those two 2cm blues will evenutally be a total of 20cms of hungry claws. Better consider setting up a species tank or bringing them back lest you begin 'feeding them expensive fish'. SH
Don't keep them in a tank with large, predatory fish. I was at a lake the other day looking for crays, and had noticed some small jackfish (6") swimming around, feeding on something. Then I noticed the odd crayfish claw (not a moult either, it was still firm and coloured) and them saw a jack with a large cray (5", nearly as big as the fish) in its mouth. Also, to demonstrate the quickness and cleverness of crays, I'm sure you've all seen a large frog swim? Well, I found more than one part of frog under a crayfish dwelling.
iv got 2 wild crayfish in my guppys tanks, they are very mean, i haven't seen them go after my lil guppys yet but i can imagine a cory being easy prey.
hi i have a one called Rocky he gets along quite well with the other fish, he is about 4 inches and i feed him a algae pellet every day one for him and one for the clown loaches. He gets battered right back by the 3 clown loach although they do tend to stay away from his cave any other time. My daughter calls his monster (shes 2,ah bless) and she goes finds him every day when she gets up. :) .
When i bought him i was worried about my apple snails as they can't get away but he just walks over the top of them.
WoW good advice and great lobster ! :cool:
Be careful shell...that blue CAN and MIGHT grab your loach someday. If that lobster decides to strike, it is QUICK, precise and deadly. In less than a fraction of a sec, my rams tail was 'ground down' to it's attachment. SH
Updated picture of the blue lobster....claws of death. He is over a year old and is quite large:


I'll do my blue lobster has become nocturnal and loves to hide in the thick of hornwort or tucked behind a corner. He just happened to shove thru the hornwort enough for a quick pic. That guy is more than 5 inches long him at 2 1/2 - 3 inches. He's a monster. SH
I've had two blues for a few months now - so far they have taken out two bettas and a blue convict... They are super interesting and fun to watch though. I've learned to just keep much bigger fish with them that don't spend a lot of time on the bottom. It's always sad to lose a fish, and I would try my best to avoid it, but I don't regret getting them at all... :wub:
lostcrow...just be careful....they can still take them out. The lobster has climbed up on plants and lunged.....unbelievable how fast they can be. Although the middle and upper tank swimmers are most likely safe, nothings a guarantee with them. SH
The problem with these things is that pretty much anything that is guaranteed to be safe from predation (usually by size) is itself likely to prey on the invert. It is nigh on impossible to find a good balance long term.

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