Blue lobster

Hi, i have a blue lobster that i have had for about two weeks, and today when i went to feed him he was upside down and i fliped him over but he keeps on going on his back. So i was wondering if he is dying or what i can do to get him better. Thanks, Bye
Hi. Today I got rid of my blue lobster. In 8 days he ate 9 tetras and 2 diamond butterfly fish. Very good to look at but he was a little bugger!

A blue lobster isn't really for a community tank ( as i found out ), They do eat fish if they can catch them. I had to move him into a tank on his own!

My Lobster Molted again last night it took him about an hour, and i have managed to keep the molted "skin" in one piece and drying out in the kitchen!!!! He's now around 9".

They are very interesting creatures, I have inserted a link below for you to have a look at, Click on 'My Hobby', there is a piccie of my lobster in there.

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