Blue lobster


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
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Hi, i have a blue lobster that i have had for about two weeks, and today when i went to feed him he was upside down and i fliped him over but he keeps on going on his back. So i was wondering if he is dying or what i can do to get him better. Thanks, Bye
Hi..I have had a Blue Cobalt lobster now for 3 months and he has even molted already and increased in size. They are very tough little guys and supposedly very resilient. Are you checking your water parameters? ammonia? pH? nitrate? SH
How big do the blue lobsters get? do they eat other fish?
i think they get too about 3 inches, and they will get fish if they can catch them.
Are they a risk to a community tank? should I stay away from them?
The Hammer's cobalt blue gets to be 3-5" in length. In general, they are 'written' to be OK in a community tank if you don't have a lot of slow bottom dwellers. But...they reportedly can get them. I haven't had that problem to date.....many of the other people here in this forum have strictly recommended a 'species tank' for them. My guy HAS started to climb up on some of the plastic plants ( I have both plastic and live). If I see any problems with this or any fish threatened, I do have another tank and he'll get pulled. I have a pic of him under the members photos....SH
steelhealr has yours done anything like mine or do you have any idea whats wrong with him? guy is the picture of health. As above..he molted once and when I came to the tank the next morning. I thought he was dead. I ended up pulling out his empty shell....sorta like from the Alien movie. How are your water parameters? It would be too early for him, but, water that is very acidic can soften their shell over time. SH

What is your pH, nitrite, ammonia and nitrate? Is your water temp OK? Do you check gH/kH, tho', I don't think that will have much effect here?
he was fine until this morning i think every thing is okay in the tank(temp ect) but i not sure for sure because i dont have anything to test it but i might be able to get some tomorow
i called the petstore and they said he is fine he is just molting so i will see if he gets better.
molting doesn't take that long....

He might of been molting at the beginning but if it's still rolling over and not reacting to much he's in trouble.

if you can't get your water tested do a water change anyways.
If your parameters are OK.. they'd have to be way out to effect the blue they're touch little buggars. It might be he's having probs molting, mine lies on his side when molting(looks dead).

But molt death is reasonably common more so when thier young I'd imagine. Keep an eye on it and fingers crossed.
Well..mine molted overnight and never looked sick nor rolled over. The blue guy is tough and I agree that I'd do a water change or two until you can get a testing kit. SH

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