Blue Lobster

Ok.... I am having the same problem!!! Seems I have some fish with missing (bites out of fins) and didnt know where it came from... I have a ID Shark, Channel Cat, 1 Dalmation Molly (had 2, was dying {attacked} found on the cave where Cray lives, eaten!!!) 1 Pink Kisser, 2 Emerald Gourami and 3 Neon Tetras!! I now have my Pleco sitting in a seperate tank because alot of his fins are gone as well... dying!! :(

I've gotta now assume it's the Cray... so how do I set up a tank just for him on his own???

Sometimes when inexperienced people ask if something can be done or why something they are doing isnt going well, the best answer for the animals involved is just plain no.

fair point. but how will people ever learn how to keep Crayfish, in any way unless the inexperienced are allowed to gain knowledge? indeed experience is not even needed, just guidance from those who have it. the fact remains that even in cray only tanks, many people are both keeping and feeding their crays not only badly, but in an unhealthy way. its true to say that a cray does not know what 20% protein means. but for a cray to hunt it must be forced, as they do not act this way in nature. unless or until these critters are both housed and fed properly, nobody is going to get chance to gauge their true nature.

in truth i have muddied the thread with this comment on community keeping. my point is that we as a hobby, seem, consistently treat these guys in an unhealthy manner, as keepers it is up to us to ensure that our charges are fed and housed properly, feeding them on a totally unnatural diet, is not a very good start.
Ok.... I am having the same problem!!! Seems I have some fish with missing (bites out of fins) and didnt know where it came from... I have a ID Shark, Channel Cat, 1 Dalmation Molly (had 2, was dying {attacked} found on the cave where Cray lives, eaten!!!) 1 Pink Kisser, 2 Emerald Gourami and 3 Neon Tetras!! I now have my Pleco sitting in a seperate tank because alot of his fins are gone as well... dying!! :(

I've gotta now assume it's the Cray... so how do I set up a tank just for him on his own???

Sometimes when inexperienced people ask if something can be done or why something they are doing isnt going well, the best answer for the animals involved is just plain no.

fair point. but how will people ever learn how to keep Crayfish, in any way unless the inexperienced are allowed to gain knowledge? indeed experience is not even needed, just guidance from those who have it. the fact remains that even in cray only tanks, many people are both keeping and feeding their crays not only badly, but in an unhealthy way. its true to say that a cray does not know what 20% protein means. but for a cray to hunt it must be forced, as they do not act this way in nature. unless or until these critters are both housed and fed properly, nobody is going to get chance to gauge their true nature.

in truth i have muddied the thread with this comment on community keeping. my point is that we as a hobby, seem, consistently treat these guys in an unhealthy manner, as keepers it is up to us to ensure that our charges are fed and housed properly, feeding them on a totally unnatural diet, is not a very good start.

well first off you will need a tank of 20ukg minimum, if we are talking about a Redclaw, some North American Cray can do with less. i would suggest a long tank, say 3 feet, but the 20g in a minimum water requirement.
cray can be quite happy with a bare bottom tank, however, plain glass is somewhat more abrasive than even the sharpest gravel, odd i know but true, and it has been known to cause "tail blister". so i would suggest gravel of, pea gravel size to 1/4 inch.
an assortment of hides, even when the cray is housed on its own are a must. short lengths of UPVC pipe work as do some coconut shells, and half "terracotta" plant pots seem to be a great favourite amongst the Cray keeping community. Cray have a habit of moving even the biggest of decorations. so apart from the caves, i would suggest any deccor you use, is fairly light. they also have a habit of undermining things, and we don't want them to get trapped.
plants are not a good idea, as most Cray seem to destroy them on sight. so if you wish plastic will have to do.
Air stones also seem to be a great favourite with them too, many liking to play in the air bubbles.
it is a must that the tank is well cycled, and if possible that the outlet of the filter is above the water line, as stated, cray need a high O2 environment.
i would suggest a tank temp of about 76f, raising to 82+f if you are trying to breed.
lighting is more problematic. Redclaw cray need around 12 hours of light, but they do not take well to high light levels, so if possible, much of this light, should be natural. using low wattage lights to top up. extending the light time to 14 hours if you are trying to breed. it would also appear that UV light has much to do with the colour of your redclaw. so more UV seems to deepen the blue colour, another nod towards natural light.
Finally, tannins are very good for most stock, but Cray seem to benefit more than most, so i would suggest a bit of bogwood, rinsed but not boiled clear of tannins. its healthy for the Cray and, i think, it looks good too.
I'm still following this, though I note Boboboy didn't receive the hand of friendship graciously - and I think he insulted me back there as well :lol:

I was thinking about it last night too, it's not that hard to see why creatures change their habits. We are hunter/gatherers by nature, but we have changed to scavenger/gatherers because of our circumstances in "captivity". I'd rather forage in Tesco's then go out and kill something myself. Just because it is in ones nature to behave a certain way, the living conditions dictate the course of action. Thrown back in the wild, we would all revert to predatory hunting for food, but the way we live makes it easier for us to gather in the supermarket, or indeed "scavenge" where we come across prey that someone else has already killed for us - we just take it to the checkout and pay for it instead. Behaviour modification is an interesting thing.
yes but why? when they don't do it in nature. even your profile only says they will take bottom feeders and the slow, somewhat different to bringing down feeder fish, Angels and goldfish as happened to stretchybabe and others. yet others say they suffer no losses. now you can prefer to think those who suffer no losses are lucky, though the impression given to those who say this is, that they are wrong, or perhaps not telling the whole truth. whatever there are big differences in the experience of people who keep Cray, especially with fish, as such it deserves to be looked into. and the profile is of little help, being for only one of the hundreds of Cray out there, and though the diet is roughly the same, cray are as different in nature and habitat, as any other aquatic creature would be.

and I think he insulted me back there as well :lol:
oops didn't intend to :blush: where?
indeed Suzie and though, perhaps badly, that's the point i am trying to make

Oh no, it's ok, I have re-read it several times, and I think you meant that you were making the point "perhaps badly", when I read it I thought "did he mean I was making the point badly?"

From the research i did on red claws and what i've learned from various red claw keepers, bobo is correct in what he says about this particular cray fish when matured it is not a "hunter" its a scavenger and its diet should be more vegetable matter than proteins. Its actually detrimental to feed these just protein, when growing it can cause failed sheds and increases risk of infections.

Because it looks like a killing machine people assume they are. Yes they are very capable of defending themselves and they will do so and there territory which as mentioned in this thread tends to be a large area. Most people who have fish going missing keep them in a tank too small with fish which are perceived as a threat. I lost 0 fish and i had 3 (3"- 5") in my 165 litre community tank for a good few months, they are now in a species tank as there are some fish which would be aggressive towards them now.

Having observed them quite a lot they tend to back away into their cave from pretty much everything, rather than stalking things and rip them apart, definitely not the actions of a predatory beast.
indeed Suzie and though, perhaps badly, that's the point i am trying to make

Oh no, it's ok, I have re-read it several times, and I think you meant that you were making the point "perhaps badly", when I read it I thought "did he mean I was making the point badly?"


ahh yes, it was meant to be self deprecating. :rolleyes:
OK – my experience, as a non-expert...
I have a four inch 'blue lobster' cray in my 4 foot community tank, which is heavily planted, contains a range of tiny to large 'peaceful' fish, and loads of bogwood and tuffa rock.
I went to some considerable trouble to provide him with nice caves and hiding places, which he chose to ignore in favour of digging himself something more to his own liking under the largest, free-standing lump of tuffa – thus exposing about 4 inches of bare undergravel filter to sleep on! (Bit of a bugger, but it is his home, after all, so who am I to say where he lives..!)
To be honest, we don't see him very often. Every few days he comes out while the light is on, for a brief wander around. (A torch will more often expose him exploring his world after lights-out.)
I feed him on a small frozen prawns and baby worms every few days, plus peas, beans, cucumber, spinach and whatever other veggies I happen to be eating that week – all thrust into his cave to keep it away from all the other greedy pigs in the tank, who get their own stuff outside!
I do occasionally mysteriously lose a small fish (as do we all) but I can never attribute it to my cray – who seems to be a complete sweetie at all times.
Shoot me down in flames if you like – we can only report our own personal experiences...

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