Ok.... I am having the same problem!!! Seems I have some fish with missing (bites out of fins) and didnt know where it came from... I have a ID Shark, Channel Cat, 1 Dalmation Molly (had 2, was dying {attacked} found on the cave where Cray lives, eaten!!!) 1 Pink Kisser, 2 Emerald Gourami and 3 Neon Tetras!! I now have my Pleco sitting in a seperate tank because alot of his fins are gone as well... dying!!
I've gotta now assume it's the Cray... so how do I set up a tank just for him on his own???
I've gotta now assume it's the Cray... so how do I set up a tank just for him on his own???
Sometimes when inexperienced people ask if something can be done or why something they are doing isnt going well, the best answer for the animals involved is just plain no.
fair point. but how will people ever learn how to keep Crayfish, in any way unless the inexperienced are allowed to gain knowledge? indeed experience is not even needed, just guidance from those who have it. the fact remains that even in cray only tanks, many people are both keeping and feeding their crays not only badly, but in an unhealthy way. its true to say that a cray does not know what 20% protein means. but for a cray to hunt it must be forced, as they do not act this way in nature. unless or until these critters are both housed and fed properly, nobody is going to get chance to gauge their true nature.
in truth i have muddied the thread with this comment on community keeping. my point is that we as a hobby, seem, consistently treat these guys in an unhealthy manner, as keepers it is up to us to ensure that our charges are fed and housed properly, feeding them on a totally unnatural diet, is not a very good start.