Blue Lobster?

yea, problem with the yabbie is, you can only have one, otherwise they will eat each other - unless like i said before you have ample hiding spots.

in regard to keeping them with fish, its important that the fish are in the tank first, and establish their territory before the yabbie does. if you put fish in with it which have nowhere to go, their chances of being dinner is much greater.

in my cichlid tank, i have very odd setup, i have 2 green terrors, about 20 convicts (zebra and albino/pink), 5 clown loaches, 5 bristle noses, 5 lombardois, 5 electric yellows, wait till u hear this.. 1 feeder fish all in the same tank as my yabbie! he is almost 20cm long now.

BUT i have lots of drift wood in my tank, to keep them all safe.

no casualties yet, fingers crossed ;)

if you need a push to make ur decision, i say get a yabbie!! :)
they are so fascinating. you only feed them once or twice a week, and once they get used to you, they will let you know when theyre hungry.

you can sit there for ages watching how hard working they are, moving all your substrate, one day they make a hill, the next day a hole, and so it goes.

yea, problem with the yabbie is, you can only have one, otherwise they will eat each other - unless like i said before you have ample hiding spots.

in regard to keeping them with fish, its important that the fish are in the tank first, and establish their territory before the yabbie does. if you put fish in with it which have nowhere to go, their chances of being dinner is much greater.

in my cichlid tank, i have very odd setup, i have 2 green terrors, about 20 convicts (zebra and albino/pink), 5 clown loaches, 5 bristle noses, 5 lombardois, 5 electric yellows, wait till u hear this.. 1 feeder fish all in the same tank as my yabbie! he is almost 20cm long now.

BUT i have lots of drift wood in my tank, to keep them all safe.

no casualties yet, fingers crossed ;)

if you need a push to make ur decision, i say get a yabbie!! :)
they are so fascinating. you only feed them once or twice a week, and once they get used to you, they will let you know when theyre hungry.

you can sit there for ages watching how hard working they are, moving all your substrate, one day they make a hill, the next day a hole, and so it goes.

keeping Crays in a community is not as uncommon as, people would have you beleave. lol it has its risks, but with a mature tanks and a maturing Cray, it can work out well.
what would you have to feed the cray, it can't just live on flakes and algae can it?
it must need some meet of some sort.
what would you have to feed the cray, it can't just live on flakes and algae can it?
it must need some meet of some sort.

Crays eat anything! i give mine: flake, Bloodworm, fresh peas, fresh cucumber, fresh chicken and Plec, type ground pellets!
yea as above, and mine also loves beef heart.
i alternate between meat and spirulina algie disks.
and when it sheds, it will eat its own shell to conserve calcium.

one thing you also need to look out for, make sure your tank has no openings at the top.
fantastic climbers these guys, straight up your heater/filter cord and out the tank.
i found mine when i first got it down the hallway and in the other room.

yea as above, and mine also loves beef heart.
i alternate between meat and spirulina algie disks.
and when it sheds, it will eat its own shell to conserve calcium.

one thing you also need to look out for, make sure your tank has no openings at the top.
fantastic climbers these guys, straight up your heater/filter cord and out the tank.
i found mine when i first got it down the hallway and in the other room.

LOL Hudini with a shell :D :D :D :D
If you are looking to keep them on sand a word of advice my friend, these guys dig and dig lots and lots and lots!

so make sure that any semi-heavy rocks are not on 2 inches of sand!
yea very true, i keep mine in sand, and made sure that the driftwood is sitting on the bottom of the tank, not on the sand.

also plants can easily be uprooted, anubias seem to hold up ok though when attached to the driftwood

LOL@ Houdini :p

if you keep your Cray on its own, it may be worth letting the Cray do your tank arrangement. if you lay the sand/gravel and then just throw the other things you want in the tank, in the middle, over the next month the Cray will sort the tank the way it likes it. its amazing to see, and well worth a picture every day to track the changes!

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