I once went to my regular LFS (since closed down), it really was very very small, like 5 people in the shop and it was cramped =P But i got to know the guys there really well and one day i went in and a guy had dropped off a massive polystyrene box with 2 whopping great Oscars in and what i learnt that day to be a Blue Lobster. He must have been a good 7inches long he was huge. This guy was moving house and they were looking after the fish for them, unfortunately i was the one landed with the task of transfering this lobster to his new temporary home. First and last time i pick up a lobster with my hands.
Since then i've bought my own and hes roughly 3inches now, although i never see him, and nor have i ever seen him eat. I assume he does because he's surviving. I've tried a few things from pellets, flakes to fruit & veg. Never seem mine shed yet though.