Blue Lobster Question


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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We were given an adult female Red Claw and we've been housing it in a 75 US gal tank. It was with 2 young Flowerhorns and a Pink Convict and it didn't bother them, they didn't bother it. The reason it was given to us was because it was eating fish out of the community tank the guy had it in.

Now, we've sold the Flowerhorns and that 75 gal is now in storage. We've got another 75 gal with 2 Green Sevs, the Convict, a Firemouth and 2 Corys. Would we be able to put the Cray in there? I think I know the answer...and that is that she will eat the Corys and possibly the Firemouth...but the Cray is living in a divided 10 gal at the moment with one of my Bettas on the other side :blink:

Should we rehome the Cray? Or would the Cray be able to live with a very young Arowana? We're in the process of setting up a tank for the Aro and there will be Stingrays in there eventually...

I don't know what to do with this stupid little Cray! I feel bad for it :lol:
Crays as a rule are very good predators and any fish has the potential to be caught by it, however
a top dwelling fish such as an arrow may be safe.
I'm more concerned that you are getting arrow before having a suitable tank for it.
saying you are in the process of setting up an arrow tank suggests you already have everything to set it up except the time,
so why not wait until it is set up before buying the arrow?
I guess I should have worded that different :blush: We have an Aro paid for and everything...the pet store is waiting for the OK before ordering it in for us.

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