
New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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girl friend went to grab slippers and it was in there. wasent moving much put back in tank,started moving a little then blew a bunch of bubbles then started moving around but it acts like it dosent know how to use its legs and keeps falling over on its side and face :dunno: now it rest on its claws and tail with its legs off the ground going hundred miles an hour ,its like it is trying to use them but dosent know how?its claws work fine! anybody know how long they can be out of water? i think it may have brain damage? is this possible?
Man..that's a tough one. I have a blue lobster. I found this for you (remember, the blue lobster is really a crayfish). Mine is one of the highlights of my tank. I hope yours survives.SH:

Captive Care

Water conditions
Not critical. Freshwater, but can tolerate a wide range of conditions. Cool, hard, alkaline, well aerated water is best for most species.

A temperature range of 65-77 F (18-25 C) is best for good growth of most species from the continental United States, but they can survive over a much wider range. Some species are tropical, some require cold water.

If the water is too soft or the pH is too low then there is a risk of calcium deficiency that could inhibit molting. Medium hard or hard water with a slightly alkaline pH, 7.5 - 8.5, is best.

They are normally 100% aquatic, but they can survive out of the water as long as their gills remain wet. They do not need to leave the water. The tank should be covered to prevent them from climbing out and going exploring around the house. They can climb up between the tank wall and a under-gravel lift tube, or climb up plants or a heater.
:D so far so good it is standing on his legs and walking around ok today but his tail seems to float like it has air in it but he or it gets better day by day he still rubs his legs together like there is somthing on them that it cant get off?
I think he'll do fine...just make sure he gets his pellet for nutrition ( I drop mine in at night) since they tend to be nocturnal. When my blue lobster shows up in the front of the tank during the day, I know he's hungry and 9 times out of 10, if I drop a pellet in front of him, he grabs it and scurries off. Good to hear he made it. Good is a pic of my guy. SH
I know this is a little off topic, but it's about a lobster! :lol: I was eating at Red Lobster (not the blue kind :rofl: sorry, bad joke) and a girl pulled a lobster out of the tank for a child to see. Instead of just tossing it back into the tank, she slowly bobbed it in the water; putting the lobster a little bit further under water each time. I asked why, and she told me that they had to be "burped" or else they would die. Is this true? Do lobsters need to be burped so that all the sir is gone?
ive never heard that before? if so then my lobster can burp its self then. :flex:
hey steelhealr does your lobster have dashes of pink on it? also yours looks a lot darker than mine?
Hi...haven't noted any dashes of pink..but...I will say one thing. He is extremely and brilliantly blue. I've been lucky so far without any agression from him (?her). He's molted only once. I did learn one thing. He your 'lobster' molts, you should leave the skin in the tank. Apparently they will eat it and regain some of the minerals lost in the skin. SH

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