blue green algae...again :(

dont have too much time to reply now, but have done a google on copper and cyanobacteria and have found out that copper can kill bga. But isnt copper harmful to fish? and shrimp?

I'm willing to do a blackout but fear its too early after just putting plants in. Would like them to establish a bit first.

Tempted to try maracyn, but want this to be a last resort as its an antibiotic and chances of building resistence etc.... Can't find any info saying its harmful to fish.

I'm tempted to give the 2p a go and wait a week before doing a blackout.

Are you people not recommending pythons? I've been tempted for ages now.

Will look into a spray bar.

Thanks for your help guys.
Sorry to hear of your continued BGA troubles Sam.

If it's any consolation you have earnt my respect simply for not giving up. I would have done a complete strip down by now and started over.

I'm at a loss as to why your blackouts and increased NO3 methods are not working. I can send you some more Maracyn if you like.
Copper is definatly harmful for shrimp but i dont know in what quantities.

I would try it if you could move the shrimp.
I would say any quantity of copper is toxic to shrimp, and would think a coin leeches a fair bit if it really is enough to kill algae, I would move them unless they are expendible (there are even some people who reckon Red Cherry Shrimp will eat slimey BGA stuff) .

Are there not some medications that contain copper, just thinking they might be a little safer that a manky old coin that has god knows what bacteria and germs on it...

If you haven't already got them I've heard Malaysian Trumpet Snails help with sand as they mix it up maybe helping with any 'dead spots' the BGA is forming in..?
If it's any consolation you have earnt my respect simply for not giving up.
There have been days where I feel like giving up planted tanks! But I do love them so much and I know it'll be worth it in the end. Although I am tempted to make my 5 gall a low tech tank now :) Need to get a new light and maybe just grow anubias nana and java moss. Still want to get a dwarf puffer, so I hope that will be planted enough. And if I ever want to go high tech again I'll have all the equipement ready.

OK, the copper idea...if I could catch them I can put my shrimp in my 5 gallon temporarily. Dont think it'll be easy to catch them though.

If you haven't already got them I've heard Malaysian Trumpet Snails help with sand as they mix it up maybe helping with any 'dead spots' the BGA is forming in..?
:lol: no way. I have fish to _eat_ my snails! I can't stand the things. :sick:
If you haven't already got them I've heard Malaysian Trumpet Snails help with sand as they mix it up maybe helping with any 'dead spots' the BGA is forming in..?
sif has an excellent point there. I realise you don't like snails but these little fellas are generally only visible at night (therefore hardly ever seen). Your Botia won't harm them either as their shells are rock hard.

Personally I think they're worthwhile.
um, no. sorry can't do it. Not even to help fight against bga. I'd never be able to put my hands in the tank.
:rofl: wimp

believe it or not (not sure i do myself but anyway) when i had a small outbreak of BGA over the riccia in my 12G about a year ago i switched the lights on at 1am (didn't know any better, poor fish) and there were about 20/30 MTS's all over the BGA, nowhere else. at first i thought they were eating the riccia. anyway i left them too it, switched the lights off and went to bed. next morning they were still there but i was running late for work so left them be.

got home from work and ALL and i mean ALL the bga had disappeared.

scientifically speaking i dont think they ate it (it's poisonous after all) but i did not medicate, no blackout and no manual removal. after 24 hours it had all gone and never returned.

i'm not saying that will work for anyone else but it certainly did for me.

oh yes and a cory ate it all in my 40G - he died as a direct result (same evening) not the best solution.
jimbooo said:
:eek:h yes and a cory ate it all in my 40G - he died as a direct result (same evening) not the best solution.

Mmmmmm.... :drool:
sif said:
jimbooo said:
:eek:h yes and a cory ate it all in my 40G - he died as a direct result (same evening) not the best solution.

Mmmmmm.... :drool:

quite, stupid fish. i was wacking him with the algae scraper (razor removed) and he was having none of it. as soon as i walked away he was at it again. nothing i could do at the time
oh my god bga is poisonous? is it poisonous to shrimp? might explain why they are acting wierd.

Also might explain why some of my fish have died unexpectedly. If I had known I wouldnt have got my cardinals so soon.
yes copper is bad in sufficiant quantities, but just how much copper would a 2p coin add :dunno:
My boss told me to remove the royal plecs(expensive) from the tank before adding the coins and put in some golden barbs (cheap). I guess he wasn't sure of the effect of the cions too, and didn't want to risk expensive stock.

I am not at work today due to "Deli belly", if I go in tomorrow I will do a copper test on the tank with the coins in it.
ok I tested the copper levels and it was <1ppm
now that either means the test is not sensative to detect any
copper at all or the copper levels are anywhere from 0.01 to 1ppm :dunno:

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