blue gouamis fry


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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Im going to breed blue gouramis but what do I feed the fry?
infusoria for the first week or so then baby brine shrimp
Microworms and baby brine shrimp. I believe someone here was offering free microworm cultures,maybe do a search.
I saw brine shrimp at petsmaqrt. it was 8$ for 3 packages and a hatching container. Can I feed my fry these brine shrimp as soon as they are born?
isnt infusoria bacteria build up from plants or poo which fry can eat?
Hi mrcrabbs :)

Feeding newborn gourami fry is not easy. They are so tiny that their first food should be microscopic in size. Infusoria is what I found to be the best. Here's a link with information about growing some:

Then they can take microworms and baby brine shrimp.

Have you raised any fry from eggs yet? If not, I do not recommend gouramis as one to begin with. The fry are so tiny and have to have special conditions while their labyrinths develop, that the chances of a beginner succeeding are slim.
I saw liquid fry food at petsmart so I will try that. Then after a week go to brine shrimp?
Hi mrcrabbs :)

No, liquid fry food is not good for gouramis. :no: It coats the surface of the water and will keep the fry from getting to the air. :/
That would be quite bad. So if I get the brine shrimp eggs and hatch the brine shrimp, I can feed it to the fry? What would you do because I don't really want to grow that stuff but will if I have to.
Go with the infusoria then you can go to petsmart if you want. Although endparentheses(?) have free cultures as long as you pay for shipping i believe. Make sure you research as I am sure you have been told and have done. So tell me how it goes.

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